I have very mixed feelings on TDU. They continue to do some good rank-and-file education work and that's how you build a union -- from the bottom up. Historically, they also pushed for many of the democratic reforms we enjoy today such as contract ratifications requiring a simple majority rather than a 2/3 vote to reject, rank-and-file election of the General President, etc.
But I really think they've over-politicized the recent UPS contract. Look at how hard they've pushed the UPS material over the ABF contract; the IBT Freight Division should be ashamed over the ABF deal, they didn't just give away the farm, they pimped out the farmer's daughter on the corner in a bad neighborhood. ABF was in bad shape and concessions needed to be made (along the lines of pay freezes/cuts, allowing supervisors to pull loads if no driver was available, etc.), but giving the company an in-road to discipline via technology and taking away a week of vacation? C'mon.
But TDU is all over the UPS contract because that's where the numbers are and that's how they plan to run against Hall in the next Executive Board election.
It's easy to sit on the sidelines and claim your slate could get the members a $1.50/hr raise every year, raise starting pay to $15/hr, and add another 20,000 FT jobs. We gave up things in the TA we had no business giving away (the 4 year progression comes to mind) but negotiating a contract covering 250,000 people is a little bit more complicated than saying, "We'll get what we want and if we don't, we'll strike!"