The funny part is that I think more of the dogon the bottom of my sandals than I do of your opinion of me.
Have you ever considered the fact that the general consensus here might be mutual?
Have you ever considered the fact that I couldn't care less?
Very much agree with. My animosity is not with you brother. Views can be harsh. But if you needed help, I'd always be there no matter your political view.I agree with you 100% on your political post. I'm 100% Z. And I felt and feel all the consessions we've taken. I'm deffinitly aoff Teamster. But I've talked to both these guys behind the scenes. And I can honestly say neither of them want to divide this union. They see it their way and we see it ours, that's all . At the end of the day all of us have a passion for this union. We just see it from two different views. I just wish we could take this animosity that we have toward each other ,over who we want to be president and turn it toward the company. We'd be unstoppable!
Please Cosmo don't hurt him!!!As long as you respond, you care.
Please Cosmo don't hurt him!!!
Gimme Danger this was a wager with you and I nobody.else so don't bring someone else into this..and you yourself as you already have will change your screen name and post as someone I'm calling your bluff..MM will not be able to act as the.BA on UPS grounds tomorrow with that.being said..he has to have full BA duties not meeting with a mgr then leaving..understood !!
What's your new handle gonna be?I will apologize to the members of local 251 for having to deal with such arrogant POS as the BA at UPS MM whom has been removed 3x In the past. Allowed members to go extensive periods of time on suspensions with no pay. While he was removed for 3mths and still collected full pay of 102k.
I will apologize to the members of local 251 for his foul mouth and ignorance. I will apologize to the members of local 251 for the division of the union they so dearly cherished due to incompetence and selfishness
I will apologize ahead of time to the members of local 251 ups workers because when you file a grievance or go into that office for discipline it will not be your union protecting you, it will be UPS mgt.telling your BA MM how it is going to go, because if you don't think that back door deals were not cut to get him back on property you are sadly mistaken. So when you file that greiveance and get denied that would be the deal worked out to allow MM back on property. Members suffer for his self righteous attitude. He will screw up Again he can't help himself so I will be back but for now I honor my wager, I have apologized and will not post on Brown.
I pray the members will vote the lying asses out. God you gained a ton of weight on your 3 month vacation. Poor members. They are the real victims.Keep in mind, we the e board and BA's will vote your lying POS a$$es out this fall.
Fixed it for you.I will apologize to the members of local 251 for having to deal with such an arrogant POS as the former PO of 251, who ran the Local into the ground and was fired by the members. This incompetent POS assigned an incompetent BA at UPS, DM, who allowed members to go extensive periods of time on suspensions with no pay, and was completely useless in enforcing the contract.
I will apologize to the members of local 251 for the former PO's relationship to the Boston Bully, who threatened members on his behalf. I will apologize to the members of local 251 for the division of the union being caused by the former PO, by his incompetence and selfish drive to regain his bloated salary.
I will apologize to the members of local 251 ups workers because when you used to file a grievance or go into that office for discipline, the former administration was completely useless. That is why you fired them. You fired the former administration because of back room deals cut to help out the select few at the expense of the many, and the contract. So when you get your ballot this fall, remember to vote once again for United Action so we dont go backwards. Members suffered for too long from the former PO's self righteous attitude. He had his chance and screwed it up, along with his group of flunkies.
I will honor my wager, I have apologized and will not post on Brown Cafe.
H* kneeler.What's your new handle gonna be?