Well-Known Member
You are delusional. You ask what has Z done? Z has the 4th largest Local Union in the country with the lowest dues rates for part timers in the country. What have you done other than regurgitate H and H lies? Z doesn't have contracts with Kroger so why do you keep spreading that lie? Z doesn't have unlimited subcontractors anywhere other than UPS Freight but your boys H and H negotiated that contract. Z is not on the negotiating committee for Carhaul but rejects the concessions your boy H has tried to push on Carhaulers twice now. Do you think H and H will impose that contract like they did to us at UPS? You're a loser dude, give it up.Do you ever ask yourself what fat boy and Fred have done. You told me in the past you weren't very impressed with fat boy or the job he did in his local. Fred's persecution
Of Tdu members in the past is well documented and now he's with Tdu. Hence the nickname flip flop Freddy. His contract with Kroger is awful. He has another barn where he has unlimited subcontractors. He is pushing car haul to the brink of going out on strike and out of business. Fred wants to strike them. I want to honor that strike but it will be the end of car haul as we know it.