Well-Known Member
Is it just me or did the pictures on Social Media from the TDU convention look like a Walmart shopper reunion?
Even with all the b.s. coming out of the IBT lately. The TDU still can't get it together!
They are depending on a young, inexperienced, weight lifting, you tube video guru and a Woman who tries to be louder and more obnoxious than the next guy or girl. Reminds me of one of the fun girls from the Andy Griffith show. "Hey..Doll"!,
Hey TDU, get your crap together, get rid of the losers and start a new, and maybe just maybe you will become relevant someday!
Tdu will take anyone except for bro joe in Chicago aka John brown.
Look they let bubble come and set up shop. Irishman they will even let you in. @Wideload just took a cruise with the loud tdu wicked witch of the east from my local. It’s a fact.
ASK HIM (I have pictures to prove it)
Wideload is a now of fanboy of tdu