Well-Known Member
You must be on a different plan or something. I'm looking at our summary of benefits pre and post ratification and the only changes I see are the prescriptions going from us paying 25% now to a flat rate of $5, and the overall deductible going from $200 individual/$400 family to $100/$200 respectively. Our dental is still through Humana and remains unchanged.April fools , lol , as to how so many sheep don't really read or comprehend information that has been provided for them ( us ) is beyond me . To my understanding , atleast for those of us who are Central State members ( full time U.P.S. employee's) , 2 ( two) different plans exist for bargaining unit employees . #1 , employees who are full time and have ascertained full time seniority by the time the new contract has been ratified , and then #2 , all other employees , all current part time employees , newly hired part time employees and all forth coming newly hired part time employees that will be hired after the new contract is passed and ratified. , Those #2, employees , in my opinion will have a different and far better , superior insurance plan , than the #1 employees . It's not just my opinion , it's a fact . The DVD that was sent out in the mail to all of us , union members was a buy off period . The mailings that preceeded the dvd that were sent out explaining the new insurance for all the members readily explained the differences between the two plans . These are two different plans , atleast affecting all current Central State members , if you do not know what the differences are let me explain a few . #1 and #2 will be the defining terms between the (#1) current full time employees and (#2) all current part time employees , new hire part time employees and all forth coming part time employees . Here goes , #1 employees have NO change in dental/health benefits from the last contract . All #2 employees will have unlimited dental coverage , not a 1500$ annual limit like all #1 employees . All #2 employees will have 5$ prescriptions , unlike all #1 employees. , all #2 employees will have lower health care Co pays and yearly lower deductibles than all #1 employees . Source = your local , Central States Health and Welfare officers at your Local Union Hall . Please ask those officers and tell me I'm wrong on this thread . The DVD was a buy off , which most of you bit on as expected . If your too lazy to research the language that pertains to you , fall in line , like sheep , complain later when it's all said and done . Lol.
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