Teamcare prescription question


Well-Known Member
April fools , lol , as to how so many sheep don't really read or comprehend information that has been provided for them ( us ) is beyond me . To my understanding , atleast for those of us who are Central State members ( full time U.P.S. employee's) , 2 ( two) different plans exist for bargaining unit employees . #1 , employees who are full time and have ascertained full time seniority by the time the new contract has been ratified , and then #2 , all other employees , all current part time employees , newly hired part time employees and all forth coming newly hired part time employees that will be hired after the new contract is passed and ratified. , Those #2, employees , in my opinion will have a different and far better , superior insurance plan , than the #1 employees . It's not just my opinion , it's a fact . The DVD that was sent out in the mail to all of us , union members was a buy off period . The mailings that preceeded the dvd that were sent out explaining the new insurance for all the members readily explained the differences between the two plans . These are two different plans , atleast affecting all current Central State members , if you do not know what the differences are let me explain a few . #1 and #2 will be the defining terms between the (#1) current full time employees and (#2) all current part time employees , new hire part time employees and all forth coming part time employees . Here goes , #1 employees have NO change in dental/health benefits from the last contract . All #2 employees will have unlimited dental coverage , not a 1500$ annual limit like all #1 employees . All #2 employees will have 5$ prescriptions , unlike all #1 employees. , all #2 employees will have lower health care Co pays and yearly lower deductibles than all #1 employees . Source = your local , Central States Health and Welfare officers at your Local Union Hall . Please ask those officers and tell me I'm wrong on this thread . The DVD was a buy off , which most of you bit on as expected . If your too lazy to research the language that pertains to you , fall in line , like sheep , complain later when it's all said and done . Lol.

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You must be on a different plan or something. I'm looking at our summary of benefits pre and post ratification and the only changes I see are the prescriptions going from us paying 25% now to a flat rate of $5, and the overall deductible going from $200 individual/$400 family to $100/$200 respectively. Our dental is still through Humana and remains unchanged.

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April fools , lol , as to how so many sheep don't really read or comprehend information that has been provided for them ( us ) is beyond me . To my understanding , atleast for those of us who are Central State members ( full time U.P.S. employee's) , 2 ( two) different plans exist for bargaining unit employees . #1 , employees who are full time and have ascertained full time seniority by the time the new contract has been ratified , and then #2 , all other employees , all current part time employees , newly hired part time employees and all forth coming newly hired part time employees that will be hired after the new contract is passed and ratified. , Those #2, employees , in my opinion will have a different and far better , superior insurance plan , than the #1 employees . It's not just my opinion , it's a fact . The DVD that was sent out in the mail to all of us , union members was a buy off period . The mailings that preceeded the dvd that were sent out explaining the new insurance for all the members readily explained the differences between the two plans . These are two different plans , atleast affecting all current Central State members , if you do not know what the differences are let me explain a few . #1 and #2 will be the defining terms between the (#1) current full time employees and (#2) all current part time employees , new hire part time employees and all forth coming part time employees . Here goes , #1 employees have NO change in dental/health benefits from the last contract . All #2 employees will have unlimited dental coverage , not a 1500$ annual limit like all #1 employees . All #2 employees will have 5$ prescriptions , unlike all #1 employees. , all #2 employees will have lower health care Co pays and yearly lower deductibles than all #1 employees . Source = your local , Central States Health and Welfare officers at your Local Union Hall . Please ask those officers and tell me I'm wrong on this thread . The DVD was a buy off , which most of you bit on as expected . If your too lazy to research the language that pertains to you , fall in line , like sheep , complain later when it's all said and done . Lol.

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I am in western Pennsylvania and we are still fighting the fight. Please don't forget that the retiree benefits are being reduced here. There are much higher monthly premiums ( $50 now that's the same as active coverage) , compared to $400 per month premium in the last year of the contract. Also, the prescription coverage isn't as good and there is a $200,000 yearly cap compared to a no limit cap we have now. There is no maintenance of benefits language and I would suspect costs will increase every contract. I hope we will continue to vote no at least to show the union and the company that this contract and this healthcare plan suck. How can we let our union accept a contract from a company that made $4.5 billion last year that is inferior to the last contract? In my 31 years here, I never thought I'd see the day we got fleeced by the company and our union. I hope no one is counting on getting that retro check soon- I will continue to implore our people to vote no here.
I am in western Pennsylvania and we are still fighting the fight. Please don't forget that the retiree benefits are being reduced here. There are much higher monthly premiums ( $50 now that's the same as active coverage) , compared to $400 per month premium in the last year of the contract. Also, the prescription coverage isn't as good and there is a $200,000 yearly cap compared to a no limit cap we have now. There is no maintenance of benefits language and I would suspect costs will increase every contract. I hope we will continue to vote no at least to show the union and the company that this contract and this healthcare plan suck. How can we let our union accept a contract from a company that made $4.5 billion last year that is inferior to the last contract? In my 31 years here, I never thought I'd see the day we got fleeced by the company and our union. I hope no one is counting on getting that retro check soon- I will continue to implore our people to vote no here.
The key is how many times have you guys voted it down?