Some things to take note of before you get all excited.
First, injectable maintenance drugs or maintenance drugs still contain some questions. This is what Teamcare says about them:
Maintenance Medication Requirement For maintenance medications, you have the choice of either using a CVS Pharmacy or CVS Caremark Mail Service. After the 2nd fill of a maintenance medication at a retail pharmacy, your co-payment will increase to 50% of the cost of the medication.
Insulin is very expensive and I know many drivers who's wives or children are diabetic and need this medication weekly. It can cost 1000.00 a week for a set of shots, and if true, 50% of that cost would be 500 dollars a week for the member.
I put in a request for further clarification on this subject and I will post it when Teamcare responds to my questions.
Second, All this looks great, and all credit goes to all the brothers and sisters who had the courage to vote NO and force the IBT, the Company and the locals into going back to the drawing board and reworking the plan.
HOWEVER, While this sounds good so far, there is a little something in the background that is troubling.
In the MOU, it still says "nothing in this agreement shall preclude the Central States Health and Welfare ( teamcare) from changing employee benefit levels".
So, while if presented to us, it looks good on paper, but a year from now, they could UNDO it in a snap by the trustees simply voting to reduce benefits and increasing costs to us.
That ONE sentence needs to be removed from the MOU if we are to maintain these benefit levels without change over 5 years.
Again, congrats to all that voted NO and making this happen. The IBT had NO INTENTION of upgrading Teamcare to these levels in the T.A. and the "carve out" also had NO INTENTION of creating these benefit levels.
It was the likelyhood of another NO VOTE and possibly a third NO VOTE that has forced the IBT to use all the redirected Allocation of monies towards benefits levels that equaled what "WE" in the West and local 177 had in the first place.
This has nothing to do with the IBT being good negotiators and moreover, I am sure they are not happy with having to concede to these terms.