Teamster healthcare downgrades will continue until...


Well-Known Member
Protecting our president from criticism for his actions & how they affect us, our contract, our healthcare etc. does a real disservice to the Teamsters that come here to stay informed, exchange ideas & unite behind common causes.


Oh Yeah
People always wanna dog Clinton and im not a politics genius by any stretch of the imagination. But it seemed like life was good when he was in the big house. Was he perfest hell no. Sure homeboy was getting busy under the table with that young chick and he screwed up getting Bin Laden but im just saying seemed like the country wasnt in bad shape at all. I know people are going to say this and that about him but thats just my opinion anyway.


Well-Known Member
Protecting our president from criticism for his actions & how they affect us, our contract, our healthcare etc. does a real disservice to the Teamsters that come here to stay informed, exchange ideas & unite behind common causes.


Nine Lives
keep voting those republican governor's in so ts all right to work and we live a poor mans life.

Bush screwed everything up

Maybe we should start another war to make Halliburton more money.

Damn I had a lot of packages in my truck when Clinton was in office.

I want Clinton back.

Bush started a war that financially crippled this country.

You are a natural for Current Events.
​You should post in here more often.

You could be the east Coast TOS!


Well-Known Member
The expansion of RTW brought starting wages for new hires up for the first time in decades in our TA. No 5k pay cut that Democrats promised would happen in my state if RTW passed. What did your guys signature legislation (obamacare) do for working class union families?


Well-Known Member
Obamas taking good care of Haliburton but seeing you are an Obama supporter I wouldn't expect you to know the first thing about it.


Well-Known Member
The entire Iraq war cost less than Obama's first stimulus package. You remember the one that brought on the famous "summer of recovery". And Obama added more to the nations debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8. Low-info voter I know, no need to explain.
The expansion of RTW brought starting wages for new hires up for the first time in decades in our TA. No 5k pay cut that Democrats promised would happen in my state if RTW passed. What did your guys signature legislation (obamacare) do for working class union families?
What are you smoking. You think right to work makes pay go up. You are the stupid one.


All Trash No Trailer
The entire Iraq war cost less than Obama's first stimulus package. You remember the one that brought on the famous "summer of recovery". And Obama added more to the nations debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8. Low-info voter I know, no need to explain.


Well-Known Member
The entire Iraq war cost less than Obama's first stimulus package. You remember the one that brought on the famous "summer of recovery". And Obama added more to the nations debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8. Low-info voter I know, no need to explain.

This is like arguing that one drunk is better than the other because one drinks solid 7 days a week but the better drunk drinks only for 6 1/2.

Arguing that one drunk is better than the other based on scale just ignores the fact that the American public can only elect drunks as President.

Drunk for power and drunk to spend other people's money they take at the point of a gun under the illusion of law. Some here talk about protecting the unborn and yet I never saw them once offer to defend the right of the unborn when it came to running up the debt to which they are saddled to pay off which will never happen.

So you care for the unborn? BULL friend##KING :censored2:!


Well-Known Member
Protecting _____ from criticism for his actions & how they affect us, our contract, our healthcare etc. does a real disservice to the Teamsters that come here to stay informed, exchange ideas & unite behind common cause