Teamsters local 623 trustee Gray throws out Vote No fliers in UPS PHL airport


Well-Known Member
If you're going to take on UPS and IBT, you gotta be smarter than video taping on company property.

Same thing goes with D. Costello. There's nothing wrong with the position you guys are taking (although I disagree), but damn you guys need to be smarter than this.
Haven't there been cases won where the company has to allow video/photos for different reasons. ALso, isn't the Break room not considered a Company Trade Secret, HA


Well-Known Member
Company policy states you can not solicit for anything on UPS property, all union activity must be posted on the union bulletin board. So if this is UPS owned/leased property, whoever put them there is breaking UPS rules. Now if UPS doesn't own/lease property, then shame on him.
My center manager told me yesterday," Why do I hear you are out soliciting grievances?"


No It's not green grocer!
My center manager told me yesterday," Why do I hear you are out soliciting grievances?"

Not only is it your right but if you are a Steward it really is your responsibility. What the company likes to call soliciting grievances, I call protecting the contractual rights of my members by making sure they are aware of and educated in any and all contract violations and their rights to remedy those violations. If your not doing this, your not being a proper Steward of the contract!!

Ron Carey lives on

Well-Known Member
Beginning of the end for hoffa. 710, 705, 89, western penn, philli, 804, 805. Everyone knows we were sold out. Don't even try hall, grass roots movement in full force. Ups teamsters will take this union back

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Well-Known Member
Beginning of the end for hoffa. 710, 705, 89, western penn, philli, 804, 805. Everyone knows we were sold out. Don't even try hall, grass roots movement in full force. Ups teamsters will take this union back.
Back to the members you hoffa :censored2:.
Take it back from a corporate lawyer, who has completely sold out the ups members.
Im tired of pussyfooting around with these hoffa kool aid drinkers. Why don't you go into management where you belong?

I thought this was Hoffa's last term.
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Marne Vet

Well-Known Member

this local union offical does not know simple labor law!!
nlrb charges were filed!!!
its bad enough local 623 leadership is lying to their membership about contract information.
voting no has saved thousands of members and retirees from high co pays and a plan that even Hoffa said will not last!! to the rest of my brothers enjoy your healthcare improvements made possible by locals voting no!!

More lies from Curry and Crew. Dumbest group to EVER run for office, and happy that I'll retire before those clowns ever have a chance to run again. Voting NO did NOTHING, and most of us with the time in knew this contract was getting pushed through no matter what we did. The IBT wasn't gonna put the largest shipping company in the World on strike for 3 hold-out Locals over local riders! Shut up already with how "they" did something. Curry's band of dopes didn't do anything! The senior members voted the way they felt, and Curry and Crew had NOTHING to do with it. All they did was lie to members over and over about what 623 was doing, and got caught many times in those lies. I watched those clowns at a Union meeting stand up and ask about full time jobs, and Curry said "they're not in the contract!", then he was guided to the actual page and language in the contract, got embarrassed, and left. What a loser. I hope they fire that guy for something he does, because I'm sick of seeing him attack other members with constant insults on his Vote No Facebook page, and on the street. In all my years I have NEVER seen a more unprofessional guy running for office, and MY Hall than that guy.

Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
The disconnect is that Ron Carey is actually dead.

What happened to all of those posts that PHLtroublemaker made insulting those members? I wanted to take a few screen shots and pass them along to their steward. I will definitely make sure those individuals know that someone in that Slate was attacking them on here. This is why they will never be elected. This guy has been known to run around and attack fellow members. We've heard him attack the guys at the Hall many times, and now random drivers from the center next to mine. One of the most unprofessional groups to ever run for office in the Philly area. The coward probably deleted them after he realized I wasn't who he thought I was and realized how big of a jerk-off he was coming across. Typical for that Slate. Insult members, lie to members, and now try to remove the evidence so I can't prove he said it.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What happened to all of those posts that PHLtroublemaker made insulting those members? I wanted to take a few screen shots and pass them along to their steward. I will definitely make sure those individuals know that someone in that Slate was attacking them on here. This is why they will never be elected. This guy has been known to run around and attack fellow members. We've heard him attack the guys at the Hall many times, and now random drivers from the center next to mine. One of the most unprofessional groups to ever run for office in the Philly area. The coward probably deleted them after he realized I wasn't who he thought I was and realized how big of a jerk-off he was coming across. Typical for that Slate. Insult members, lie to members, and now try to remove the evidence so I can't prove he said it.

How can you delete your posts? I think that option goes away after a few minutes.

So what are you babbling about?