Well-Known Member
I'm surprised you didn't receive literature from each candidate in the mail. My local, 687, is in the midst of elections and I received "Please vote for me because..." letters from both slates.
Outa hours I think you are Outa Control! Do you honestly think being mad at our company is going to help us? We pay hard earned money for dues to a local union that is suppose to be there to help us and they aren't. Brothers and Sisters would not say they don't know their BA, President, etc. if they have seen them; I don't think that is something they would lie about as you allude to. The fact is some people have to work at the time of the meeting. Why was today's meeting 18 minutes long if they are so important to attend? If the local 767's current administrative team (that keeps changing) held the company accountable to the contract at hand we wouldn't have to be mad at anybody! You need to do some soul searching
and talk to the other slate before you waste your vote.
Brownie 633, I will ask you the question that I have asked before. What is Billy Smith all about? Just running the race in my opinion is not doing enough to justify a vote. Several people here have posted a litany of opinions on Wesley Jenkins. But no substance on their choice for president Billy Smith.
Is it simply a diversionary tactic by the opposing slate to keep the focus off the real issues of this election? Your rant and others reminds me of the same tactics that UPS managers employ when dealing with drivers. They attack, attack, attack, and put you on the defensive with repetitive scripted and premeditated actions and catch phrases (over allowed, least best,what happened out there yesterday? etc.) to catch you off guard. All the while they are only trying to conceal their own faults, failures, and operational inadequacies. Its all smoke and mirrors. No substance.
Please feel free to post the proven facts, qualifications and accomplishments of your candidate. I look forward to reading them.
Although, I completely agree with the above comment, I just want to let folks know this poster is not me; apparently there are two of us who are moms of bells! Someone called me late last night to say they liked my post here as "bellesmom." People familiar with me at the local know I've got a daughter whom I call "Bell."
So, big props to bellesmom, but I also want to let people know I am NOT a double poster (and neither is she!).
Members First all the way to the P.O. Box!
There were 1609 ballots counted amongst the three slates, and the incumbent won by 128 votes, yes.
15% of ballots counted were requested and re-ordered from True Ballot directly because a member either "didn't get a ballot" or it was possibly sent to the wrong address (as in a couple of cases where campaign lit went to one address and ballots went to old addresses). I find the percentage to be very high in comparison to not only the obvious amount of voter apathy (judging from the 20% membership ballot return), but also because there were literally only a handful of ballots requested from True Ballot in the 2006 delegate election.
And tell Steve I STILL can't get his campaign rap song out of my head. You should put it on iTunes and collect download profit for the campaign, Red. And how do I know it's NOT on iTunes? BECAUSE I LOOKED OUT OF FEAR THE WEBSITE WOULD DISAPPEAR, and I'd have no Steve Pocztowski single ever again! Srsly. We loved that down here.![]()