My Senior Picture
You think TDU will mention this case?
Don't care if they do or not..
Seems like a hypocritical assertion to me, considering the IBT didn't bother to post a story on their website or their magazine about the historic victory last summer achieved by the officers and agents of Local 251 in Rhode Island, a renowned TDU local.You should.
Unless.... you buy into their misguided, and selfish mantra.
These guys from this TDU local were successful in petitioning the Dept of Labor to force UPS to revamp their policies on social media and recording devices while working, company-wide.
This was a huge win for all of us, as was what just happened in Local 25, but to pretend that one side is impartial and without bias, while the other is not, is a complete joke.
The only difference is TDU is financed by private contributions, while the IBT uses our dues money to broadcast their agenda.
Again, I not a member and never go the TDU website unless it is linked to a post, or you blabbermouths make me curious about something that did, or didn't get posted there.
You guys very well may be furthering TDU with this constant barrage of crap.