Ted Cruz on the Floor


Engorged Member
There is nothing about obamacare that will work. Its a train wreck of problems long before its implementation and every special interest group out there is seeking ( and if you support Obama often getting) waivers to stay far away from it! CBO (original) phoney cost estimiate was $900,000,000,000.00. It has since more than doubled in reality to just over ( get ready to count the zeros) $1,900,000,000,000.00. And as we all should already know. Even that is just an estimate and what happens to the numbers after a government estimate? The cost of this disaster of a law will probably double if not triple yet again. And all this doesn't even take into the fact of what is actually in this worthless bill. Take the time to actually try and read it! I have read most of this law over the last 2 years. Once you actually understand it and not the government lies and propaganda in support of it. Then and only then will you fully understand just how bad this law truely is and not before!

OK, let's say everything you said is true. Just let it happen and then have the GOP step-in and assume full leadership of the country, right? The propaganda is coming from the Right to protect their business buddies, and you're just parroting the party line. Like Ezra said, "let it happen" and then reap the rewards in 2014 and 2016. It will be so bad that Romney could run again and win.


Inordinately Right
" What rights are being sacrificed? "

I gave you a small example........the one about Chaz Bono. You must practice selective reading.
So the people's republic of California declared Chaz Bono a man. WHO CARES.... again: what rights are being sacrificed?
You know the answer just say it, your right to mix religion and government. Your religion doesn't approve of the LGBT community, so you try and use the government to stop them.


golden ticket member
So the people's republic of California declared Chaz Bono a man. WHO CARES.... again: what rights are being sacrificed?
You know the answer just say it, your right to mix religion and government. Your religion doesn't approve of the LGBT community, so you try and use the government to stop them.
In the men's room, You have the right to stand at the urinal holding your junk and not have a person with a vajayjay looking at it !! (apparently you needed it spelled out !!)


Inordinately Right
In the men's room, You have the right to stand at the urinal holding your junk and not have a person with a vajayjay looking at it !! (apparently you needed it spelled out !!)
Ya I needed you to spell that out because that is the most ludicrous argument against LGBT I think I might have ever heard.
You should just stick with "God hates fags". It looks better on a poster than "I'm afraid they'll see my junk in a public bathroom".


golden ticket member
Ya I needed you to spell that out because that is the most ludicrous argument against LGBT I think I might have ever heard.
You should just stick with "God hates fags". It looks better on a poster than "I'm afraid they'll see my junk in a public bathroom".
Fags are cigs n the U.K.........God does hate cigs !!


Inordinately Right


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Too bad he doesnt have time to meet over issues that concern the 79% instead of the 3%. Like benghazi, fast and furious, Obama health care, Only if it is fun people, only if its a party.


Engorged Member
Too bad he doesnt have time to meet over issues that concern the 79% instead of the 3%. Like benghazi, fast and furious, Obama health care, Only if it is fun people, only if its a party.

Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and Obamacare are precisely the issues that are killing the GOP, making them look like the extremists they really are. The more FOX and the usual suspects kept dragging the same old crap out, the better it is for Dems. Keep up the good work Boehner and Company, because failure to provide any workable ideas and/or solutions is paving the way for a Democratic House and President in 2016.


Inordinately Right
Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and Obamacare are precisely the issues that are killing the GOP, making them look like the extremists they really are. The more FOX and the usual suspects kept dragging the same old crap out, the better it is for Dems. Keep up the good work Boehner and Company, because failure to provide any workable ideas and/or solutions is paving the way for a Democratic House and President in 2016.
Thing is, they are so delusional that they are actually doing these things in order to prepare for the next election. I can see the advertisements already.... voted to repeal Obamacare blah blah blah. They know they're wasting everyone's time.

We’ve got 70 new members who’ve not had the chance to vote on the president’s health care law,” said House Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, at a Thursday news conference with reporters. “Frankly, they’ve been asking for an opportunity to vote on it, and we’re going to give it to them.”

Cruz did 20+hours for no other reason than to gain publicity for himself. Wasting everyone's time, green eggs and ham obama BS, great use of tax payer money teddy.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thing is, they are so delusional that they are actually doing these things in order to prepare for the next election. I can see the advertisements already.... voted to repeal Obamacare blah blah blah. They know they're wasting everyone's time.

We’ve got 70 new members who’ve not had the chance to vote on the president’s health care law,” said House Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, at a Thursday news conference with reporters. “Frankly, they’ve been asking for an opportunity to vote on it, and we’re going to give it to them.”

Cruz did 20+hours for no other reason than to gain publicity for himself. Wasting everyone's time, green eggs and ham obama BS, great use of tax payer money teddy.

View attachment 10139

The Tea Party fanatics complain about wasteful spending, yet allowed TED CRUZ to drone on for 21 hours costing the tax payers close to a half a million dollars in tax payer money.

Keeping the senate open means keeping a full security force present, along with keeping the electricity running, along with keeping the police around the area to safeguard the streets as senators came and went.

For a political party attempting to convince the american public that they know how to save money, they sure have a funny way of showing it.

Reading Green Eggs and Ham for a half million dollars shows us how stupid the republican party really is.




Well-Known Member
Ted Cruz is a clown.

The irony is that he knows better...I've heard several interviews with previous colleagues of Mssr. Cruz (pre-Congress), and they're all confused about his turn toward complete idiocy.

Maybe he's trying to cement a Tea-Party platform for his 2016 run for President, or maybe he believes what he's saying (doubtful).

Either way, he's pissing off pretty much everyone, and whatever his plan is, it isn't working...

Certified CLOWN.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TED CRUZ managed to drive the nail in his own political coffin with this shutdown.

Marco Rubio and Mike Lee did the same with "their" shutdown scheme.

Congrats dipsticks!



Well-Known Member
The Tea Party fanatics complain about wasteful spending, yet allowed TED CRUZ to drone on for 21 hours costing the tax payers close to a half a million dollars in tax payer money.

Keeping the senate open means keeping a full security force present, along with keeping the electricity running, along with keeping the police around the area to safeguard the streets as senators came and went.

For a political party attempting to convince the american public that they know how to save money, they sure have a funny way of showing it.

Reading Green Eggs and Ham for a half million dollars shows us how stupid the republican party really is.



The Mr. and Mrs. Obamay have cost twice that much with the vacations they take. It does not look like the vacations are helping Mr. Obamay to much, look at all the gray he is getting. Funny I wonder why we have not seen him with his top off of late maybe those Abs he showed off a few years ago are now showing man tits.


Engorged Member
The Mr. and Mrs. Obamay have cost twice that much with the vacations they take. It does not look like the vacations are helping Mr. Obamay to much, look at all the gray he is getting. Funny I wonder why we have not seen him with his top off of late maybe those Abs he showed off a few years ago are now showing man tits.

Inaccurate, and a FOX talking point. Some interesting language there on the Moobs.On another note, your username indicates you are a steward. Someone who is a steward, should be pro-labor, not pro-corporation and pro-management. The Right Wing you support hates unions and would love to have all UPS drivers making $12 per hour. I think that maybe your center needs to find a new steward who understands the political implications of the GOP to labor. In other words, you appear to be very ignorant.