Terrorism on American Soil - Texas Massacre in the House of God


I'm a star
Vehicles are necessary for commerce. Guns aren't. That's the difference.
So, only things necessary for commerce should be allowed, regardless of how deadly they are? Armored transport is necessary for some types of commerce, and the drivers and guards need guns, thus guns are necessary for commerce. People buy things, so they are necessary for commerce, and sometimes people need guns to protect themselves from threats that they would not otherwise be able to protect themselves from, so they can stay alive and keep buying things. Thus, guns are necessary for commerce.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
In my opinion this makes perfect sense for conceal carry... Protection. The problem isn't with guns; it is with the mental health issues and those need to be addressed.

I'll bet everyone in that church owns a gun or one of their family members or friend does. I'll even go so far as to say that most if not all the those affected by this personally wouldn't change a damn thing about gun laws and only wished they had a their gun in church that day so they had a :censored2:ing chance.

Also, guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns, knives, bombs, cars and by whatever means they decide.

Oh, and I've never owned a gun. :teethy:


Well-Known Member
Not even sure why we still have these conversations.

Gun laws won’t be changed, because NRA.

Orange Leader says it’s not guns, it’s ‘mental health’, but he’s doing his level best to gut the ACA and pass a tax bill that will ultimately starve states of revenue desperately needed for said ‘mental health’ programs, so he can go screw.

Hey America, you can’t put the guns down, and you aren’t willing or able to put cash into our ‘mental health’ problem, so STFU.

Honestly, this is the price we’ll have to continuously pay.

No more moments of silence, no more ‘deep thoughts’ about moral degradation or breakdown of families, just STFU.

This is the price we pay.

Enjoy your AR-15’s, idiots.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion this makes perfect sense for conceal carry... Protection. The problem isn't with guns; it is with the mental health issues and those need to be addressed.

I'll bet everyone in that church owns a gun or one of their family members or friend does. I'll even go so far as to say that most if not all the those affected by this personally wouldn't change a damn thing about gun laws and only wished they had a their gun in church that day so they had a :censored2:ing chance.

Also, guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns, knives, bombs, cars and by whatever means they decide.

Oh, and I've never owned a gun. :teethy:
How did you ever survive Living in LA?:confused2:


Got the T-Shirt
NRA supporter who taught his daughters to shoot at age 8, uses an AR-15 to

take out a murderous felon with a gun.... It doesn't get any better than that !

Not even sure why we still have these conversations.

Gun laws won’t be changed, because NRA.

Orange Leader says it’s not guns, it’s ‘mental health’, but he’s doing his level best to gut the ACA and pass a tax bill that will ultimately starve states of revenue desperately needed for said ‘mental health’ programs, so he can go screw.

Hey America, you can’t put the guns down, and you aren’t willing or able to put cash into our ‘mental health’ problem, so STFU.

Honestly, this is the price we’ll have to continuously pay.

No more moments of silence, no more ‘deep thoughts’ about moral degradation or breakdown of families, just STFU.

This is the price we pay.

Enjoy your AR-15’s, idiots.

That's a lot of whiny liberal butt hurt.

It's time to go "shelter in place" with a blankie and a pacifier.


I'm a star
In my opinion this makes perfect sense for conceal carry... Protection. The problem isn't with guns; it is with the mental health issues and those need to be addressed.

The mental health thing is not nearly as straight forward as people would like to hope. The DSM has to be updated from time to time. What makes someone mentally unhealthy can and has changed over time. Many mentally-ill people don't have symptoms that can easily be detected until they manifest themselves in an outburst such as a mass shooting. Many people who seem obviously disturbed would never be a threat to anybody. Some people who would commit a mass shooting are just plain evil, and that's not something mental healthcare is equipped to deal with.
The fact that psychology is still so poorly understood makes it really easy to go on a mental-health witch hunt. Homosexuality has been viewed as a mental illness. In the future, the mere desire to own a gun could be officially recognized as a mental illness. It seems like some people already think it should be. Even among the better understood mental illnesses, it's not necessarily clear where the line should be for starting to deny people their rights. Should someone with social anxiety disorder not be allowed to own a gun? Should someone with OCD?
What about misdiagnoses? I assume most mental health providers would start erring on the side of caution when determining who is and is not a danger to themselves or society, if for no other reason than to avoid liability.
Using mental health as an excuse to deny people their rights has lead to situations easily as tragic as those brought about by guns. For a really good example, even if it is dramatized, watch "Changeling". But there are other horrifying examples of mental-healthcare gone wrong, including lobotomies, electro-shock therapy (though this is still sometimes used with positive results, it was overused and crossed the line into torture quite often and sometimes caused death), eugenics, the list goes on.


Well-Known Member
...That's a lot of whiny liberal butt hurt.

It's time to go "shelter in place" with a blankie and a pacifier.

Not 'liberal butt hurt' kid, just truth.

Evidently you're completely fine with the status quo.

If you are, great.

I blanked out guys like you in my post, i.e. guys like you get to keep your toys...

You get to keep your toys, the mass-shootings keep happening, and no amount of you beating your chest about the 2nd Amendment will change that.

That was my point.

What's your solution?

More people with guns? Like the OK Corral?

I don't think you have a solution.