Texas Cop killed by BLM supporter


Well-Known Member
So in other words you have no clue what you're talking about. Gotcha.
Feel free to continue your ranting sorry to interrupt.

I am always well versed in every topic I choose to engage in. If I spent time in every post listing out obvious, re searchable, facts point by point to the simple minded such as yourself I wouldn't be able to get anything else done.


Inordinately Right
I am always well versed in every topic I choose to engage in. If I spent time in every post listing out obvious, re searchable, facts point by point to the simple minded such as yourself I wouldn't be able to get anything else done.
No need to list anything or result to name calling big guy.
Just name one fact which directly ties the shooter with the BLM movement.


Well-Known Member
I am under no obligation to answer your questions. If you can't recognize a BLM motivated killing when one happens then I don't think any listing of the facts of this case as we currently know them will change your mind. Its time for BLM to be recognized as the hate group that it is, and to charge all BLM motivated criminal acts as hate crimes.

In fact you're once again incorrect.

Like most of these incidents, the common denominator is the mental illness of the perpetrator.

I'll ask you the same question I asked BUG...

Where's the connection to BLM?

So far, there isn't one.

Doesn't mean there is no connection, and maybe there is.

But the shooter in this case has a record of mental illness, much like every other shooting.

The thing about unconscious bias is that it's unconscious.


Staff member
From dictionary.com



  • Examples
  • Word Origin
a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

Now explain to me how my assuming this was a BLM killing(which everyone is pretty much sure it is) is racist in anyway given the above definition. Please note that you have to prove that I believe my own racial group to be superior to the alleged killer's racial group via my assumption.
Let's just say you and TOS deserve each other.


Well-Known Member

When Black Lives Matter protesters chanted “pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon,” they were only being “playful” with officers, the leader of the demonstration told MSNBC on Tuesday.


First, any story linking to 'The Blaze' is biased. Secondly, all protests attract people that are on the fringes, anarchists, if you'll allow that perspective.

When you isolate extremes and paint the mass of the protesters with that viewpoint, you are being disingenuous.

So far you have posted statements that could have you sued in a court of law, if anyone cared about what you say.


Please don't make me shout.


golden ticket member
If your ears are unwaxed you can hear the entire crowd of people (more than 3) were shouting and chanting this foolishness.
Free Speech my :censored2:....they should've been arrested for domestic threats.


Well-Known Member
If your ears are unwaxed you can hear the entire crowd of people (more than 3) were shouting and chanting this foolishness.
Free Speech my :censored2:....they should've been arrested for domestic threats.
Arrest citizens for speech, interesting thought.

Let me consider that for a bit.