Poor white right wingers.. Still hoping to return to the days of the original constitution without amendments because it gave them such an advantage over people of color.
You mad bro?
Those pesky "amendments" to the constitution made it an equal playing field for all americans. Now that its in action, you "white folk" are upset that you are losing the battle.
Now, you are limiting yourselves to "guns and revolutions" to try to get the advantage back. Sorry bro, liberals have guns too.
We also have one thing red states dont have, an education. The least educated states in the country are RED states. And those RED states always vote republican. I wonder what does that mean for you and your party?
The party of stupid people. (by level of education of course)
The constitution to white people means, leave it alone. Keep things unfair for all americans, and leave the advantage to big business and white people.
You right wing nuts just cant stand progress even though you take advantage of it at every opportunity. Goverment loans for business startups, state loans and such, you cry about handouts, but are the first ones in line with two hands folded out.
Time for change, its happening now and good luck trying to undo it taking us back to the dark days of the USA.