Democrats never cared about rules before!Against the rules but Biden is sure to be wired so he can get answers whispered in his ear. He already got all the questions but nobody expects him to remember the answers.
Democrats never cared about rules before!Against the rules but Biden is sure to be wired so he can get answers whispered in his ear. He already got all the questions but nobody expects him to remember the answers.
Tax lawsHope they ask the don how he gets by paying
$750 or less in taxes
Nope, not at all. Rip VanBiden help make the laws the President followed.Hope they ask the don how he gets by paying
$750 or less in taxes
This should get all the trumpers wound up this morning
Proof the even the small hand thing was fake news.No,
Just want to see him trip over his dick trying to answer
That's what Biden should be doing right now if his family loved himNope, not at all. Rip VanBiden help make the laws the President followed.View attachment 311314
While Rip's mental impairment is severe enough to keep him out of office, he still has some time before he's in full senility.That's what Biden should be doing right now if his family loved him
It's not forever Trump.All these forever Trumpers make me LOL
Systems Normal, All friendScored big? Oops, in office making tax rules for 45 years!
Sleepy Joe himself has used tax rules, setting up corporations in order to not pay taxes. Of course the NY Times overlooked that.
Just like RePugs will vote for Trump even if he releases his tax returns!There is nothing that will happen in the debates that will change one mind.
Honestly, if Creepy Joe fell to the floor, started drooling and was unable to answer anything, Dems would still vote for him.
I think he wigged out because he may be the guy who inadvertently leaked donald's tax returns.Does anyone know if right wing nut job Brad Perscale will be attending debates?
Does anyone know if right wing nut job Brad Perscale will be attending debates?
The ol' "October Surprise."These "bombshell" articles from there NY Slime.
You think they got this yesterday? How ling they been sittin' on this garbage waiting for the right moment to throw the scent off a worthless Dim candidate?
Between now and Election Day, take note of the Slime's and ComPost timing. It's hilarious.