In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Did the debate make Americans who might vote the Biden/Harris comfortable with her ability to do the job?
I think so
Take away:
Will Biden pack the court? No answer.
If you believe the American people deserve a say in a lifetime post to the highest court in the land then "packing" is a correction. No answer is the correct one.
What's the plan if pre-existing conditions and adult child coverage is removed? No answer.
If you believe in attainable health coverage for millions of Americans and their children. The current administration has no plan if the ADA is removed.
All in all surprisingly civil debate. Both did their jobs. The difference is harris had something to actually Gain and I think she sold herself well to the people who will vote for the ticket.
Harris has far more debating skills than Biden, remember the Democratic primaries were he accused him of racism. If Biden was on stage against Pence it would of been a comical, Pence did his job and set up Trump for the next debate.