The 2020 Presidential Debates


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Did the debate make Americans who might vote the Biden/Harris comfortable with her ability to do the job?

I think so

Take away:
Will Biden pack the court? No answer.

If you believe the American people deserve a say in a lifetime post to the highest court in the land then "packing" is a correction. No answer is the correct one.

What's the plan if pre-existing conditions and adult child coverage is removed? No answer.

If you believe in attainable health coverage for millions of Americans and their children. The current administration has no plan if the ADA is removed.

All in all surprisingly civil debate. Both did their jobs. The difference is harris had something to actually Gain and I think she sold herself well to the people who will vote for the ticket.

Harris has far more debating skills than Biden, remember the Democratic primaries were he accused him of racism. If Biden was on stage against Pence it would of been a comical, Pence did his job and set up Trump for the next debate.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Pence was great... I didn't expect him to take the fight to Harris the way he did. Even posing his own question about court packing then rubbing her nose in it when she couldn't give an answer.

Oddly enough I found it funny Harris didn't mention prosecuting any prostitutes during her time as DA.
Why would she?
Victimless crime except maybe against the prostitutes.


Well-Known Member
Harris has far more debating skills than Biden, remember the Democratic primaries were he accused him of racism. If Biden was on stage against Pence it would of been a comical, Pence did his job and set up Trump for the next debate.
How do you think the other way around harris v trump would go? Both are purely hypothetical and pointless. Like a said both did their job. The difference is harris showed her ability to the viewer's and that's a net+. Pence toed the line, no +, no -.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
How do you think the other way around harris v trump would go? Both are purely hypothetical and pointless. Like a said both did their job. The difference is harris showed her ability to the viewer's and that's a net+. Pence toed the line, no +, no -.
I think Pence won on points but Harris came out on top where it most counted — the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID is the albatross around Trump's neck and if he doesn't come up with a solution to negate the Democrats' attacks ...
he is back in the general population.


Well-Known Member
I think Pence won on points but Harris came out on top where it most counted — the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID is the albatross around Trump's neck and if he doesn't come up with a solution to negate the Democrats' attacks ...
he is back in the general population.
What points? It's not a fight. For pence to "win" he'd have to some how make harris really look bad. For harris to win all see had to do is look the part, toe the line and bolster existing support. I'd say she did just that. Far left to center she had a good debate.


Well-Known Member
I think Pence won on points but Harris came out on top where it most counted — the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID is the albatross around Trump's neck and if he doesn't come up with a solution to negate the Democrats' attacks ...
he is back in the general population.
You know what? You're probably right that covid is going to swing the election. It went from an issue that people could neglect, put on the back burner to front and center.


Well-Known Member
It is all rather pointless to an extent of who won the VP debate or who lost the VP debate. Pence is a liar, who performed badly, but I don't really care about that.
America has some huge problems, the world has some huge collective problems that probably won't get addressed until undeniable disasters occur.
America's single largest issue politically is how to ensure the votes of the majority of American's decide the political direction of this nation. If we don't solve that, we have an incentive for political parties to entrench rule with a minority of voters.


Inordinately Right
I think Pence won on points but Harris came out on top where it most counted — the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID is the albatross around Trump's neck and if he doesn't come up with a solution to negate the Democrats' attacks ...
he is back in the general population.
Pence won that at the very beginning when he said they plagiarized Trump's plan. He pointed out everything she said they were going to do was already in the current plan and she just sat there looking stupid.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What points? It's not a fight. For pence to "win" he'd have to some how make harris really look bad. For harris to win all see had to do is look the part, toe the line and bolster existing support. I'd say she did just that. Far left to center she had a good debate.
Obviously you have your own points system! LOL

None is as blind as he who will not see!

The big package

Well-Known Member
You know what? You're probably right that covid is going to swing the election. It went from an issue that people could neglect, put on the back burner to front and center.
Bottom line , Harris lied many times tonight and didn't answer important questions and that should be acknowledged and concerning to people that have a brain !!!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Harris repeats same old lies last night. Will the media call her out or provide cover?


nowhere special
Harris repeats same old lies last night. Will the media call her out or provide cover?
I saw a "fact check" this morning. About all they checked was Pence. The couple of times they looked at Harris they predictably waffled and said its complicated instead of calling her a liar.