The 2020 Presidential Debates

El Correcto

god is dead
Separating children from their parents be it in cage's or beach houses has moral implications. Moving a parent to some third world country without accounting for the child has moral implications. What is clear the policy was hastily enacted, without care of the results. Move fast break things might work for fakebook, but when it comes to basic human rights and decency that approach is immortal, unethical and down right inhumane. What makes it worse is the results were expected and they went ahead anyway.
You should tell that to the marxists that sued for detaining “families” together for trying to hop our border. It was leftist garbage with this as the end goal, alinsky tactics to undermine America’s sovereignty.

You do not have a nation without borders.


Well-Known Member
“Trump sounds like three kids stacked in a trench coat pretending to be an adult. ‘I’m like a businessman doing business. I love office and eat taxes with my coffee. Three tickets for the boobie movie, please.’”



Well-Known Member
Maybe people got that impression from the left-wing LibTurd Light on the Hill ... The NY Times.

A Candidate in Isolation: Inside Joe Biden’s Cloistered Campaign​

Walled off from voters in a distinctive kind of lockdown, Mr. Biden has developed a routine, of sorts, as he seeks the presidency from his basement.

a sympathetic spin


Well-Known Member
“Trump sounds like three kids stacked in a trench coat pretending to be an adult. ‘I’m like a businessman doing business. I love office and eat taxes with my coffee. Three tickets for the boobie movie, please.’”

a comedian said that? not very funny . good thing hes fed by snowflakes or his humor would cause him to starve.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
These were children separated from their parents at the border. Ttku..
How do you know they were their parents. I know if I got separated from my kids. I would be contacting both country politicians to find out how to get them back. Not run off and leave them there in hopes of them just bringing them into the country.
I actually expected better from you. Your theory holds no shape. They were not taken from parents that care. Complete losers.


nowhere special



Inordinately Right
Democrats are trying to use people's deceased loved ones, who died from the unstoppable Chinese virus, as a way to win a political race.

It's disgusting politics and they are disgusting people who should be ashamed of themselves.


I'm a star
A single aerosolized droplet, which are between 1 and ten microns, of your putrid breath contains between 1,000 and 10,000,000 virions. A single virion is all that is needed to infect a person. At between 100 and 1000 virions, you have a 50/50 chance of becoming infected. Every single aerosolized droplet an infected person breaths out is more than capable of infecting others. Even n95 masks only filter 95% of particles larger than between .3 and .5 microns. Every single aerosolized particle containing virions is more than enough to cause infection, and n95 wearers are breathing in 5% of infectious droplets they encounter.

When the pandemic first started it was pretty clear, even to the media, that there was no stopping it. The hope was to minimize deaths by preventing hospitals from being overcrowded. It turns out the therapy of choice of hospitals for the worst cases, ventiliators, were actually destroying infected people's lungs, so hospitalization may very well have been the worst thing to happen to most of the people who died.

Somewhere along the line, people forgot what was clear in March, that there was no containing the outbreak. Seems that the decrease in oxygen to mask wearers' brains affected their memories. Now people think we can contain the virus. It's real convenient to blame Trump for not containing the virus. Might as well blame hurricanes on him too. Oh, wait, the climate alarmist cult already does. Lol.

You people need to take off your masks. Your brains are clearly devolving into piles of goo.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
A single aerosolized droplet, which are between 1 and ten microns, of your putrid breath contains between 1,000 and 10,000,000 virions. A single virion is all that is needed to infect a person. At between 100 and 1000 virions, you have a 50/50 chance of becoming infected. Every single aerosolized droplet an infected person breaths out is more than capable of infecting others. Even n95 masks only filter 95% of particles larger than between .3 and .5 microns. Every single aerosolized particle containing virions is more than enough to cause infection, and n95 wearers are breathing in 5% of infectious droplets they encounter.

When the pandemic first started it was pretty clear, even to the media, that there was no stopping it. The hope was to minimize deaths by preventing hospitals from being overcrowded. It turns out the therapy of choice of hospitals for the worst cases, ventiliators, were actually destroying infected people's lungs, so hospitalization may very well have been the worst thing to happen to most of the people who died.

Somewhere along the line, people forgot what was clear in March, that there was no containing the outbreak. Seems that the decrease in oxygen to mask wearers' brains affected their memories. Now people think we can contain the virus. It's real convenient to blame Trump for not containing the virus. Might as well blame hurricanes on him too. Oh, wait, the climate alarmist cult already does. Lol.

You people need to take off your masks. Your brains are clearly devolving into piles of goo.

But, but Biden says wearing a mask 24 /7 is his solution, that and of course more shut downs...”who should we believe” OMG :eek:


Well-Known Member
Do you want a global recession because a few people have the sniffles? It’s the flu, not a big deal. The media just needed something to scare everyone.

Exactly. The flu is more communicable, more prevalent and more deadly. This new virus is nothing special. It’s a tool to scare people.

You are exponentially more likely to die from the flu than you are of catching the corona virus.

I was right that 200,000 people would die from the pandemic that Trump failed to cont

Keep digging