The 2nd S. Carolina Debate 8 PM eastern on CNN


golden ticket member
You are missing the point. We support the biggest loser to go head to head with obama... right now, that loser is santorum. Coming in second would be newt , then paul then romney.

We dont care what they stand for, its all nonsense anyways.

I hope santorum is the nominee, I would love to see him blown out in November. That would deal a deathblow to the current GOP model and force the party to change its ideals and become a more accepting party. Right now, its comprised of radical extremists.

Watch out for the rocking 'cause Klein jumped ship!!


golden ticket member
Name me just one of those 4 clowns that are pro-life - not 1 !

I know 3 of them for sure are pro-life.....I don't know about Ron Paul because I don't listen much when it's his turn to talk.


golden ticket member
Name me just one of those 4 clowns that are pro-life - not 1 !
I don't want a Romney, he is too much like Obama. You wouldn't see any changes, besides maybe some more tax cuts for himself and the rich.
Newt, he's a long time politician. So things won't change much either - same old, same old.

The other 2 - yup, if a republican gets elected as prez, then I do want people like you and the C9ners to pay for it.
You'll start by getting less or none SS for example, because you have a company pension comming in.
Same would go for medicare - you'll have to pay half or all of it on your own. (because you have company pension and other income - like rental income).

Those are the people I'm cheering for - those that are ready to cut funds from well off retired people, so the youth doesn't have to pay for them.
And it would be nice to see you and the C9ners, hammer your own nail into your own coffin ! (Schadenfreude) ! ;)

You know damn well Obama would like to raise taxes on those that earn over $250 K per year (single income), to pay for SS and medicare.
And republicans want more tax cuts to the rich, and companies, and rather cut from SS and medicare.
So, if that's what you want - I hope you get it.
You open your mouth and remove all doubt............etc.


Für Meno :)
I sure do ! You old seniors are to worried about Ron Pauls fiscal attitude. Cutting $1 Trill in just 1 year (Super committee couldn't cut that much over a 10 yr period).

The youth sure like it !
The old - they are too worried those cuts will effect them too much.
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golden ticket member
........"Name me just one of those 4 clowns that are pro-life - not 1 !......" (klein)

This is the statement where I said you don't know what you are talking about!!!
Do you know what 'pro-life' even is????? Because your statement indicates otherwise.

And in checking, all 4 are pro life!


Für Meno :)
I know what American pro-life means !
Abortion is murder !

But, killing babies after birth isn't (Athoney Casey).
Or teaching kids as soon as they can walk and talk how to shoot a gun.
Or going to war against a country that didn't do the US any harm at all (or the world for that matter) Iraq ! And killing innocent people, plus 5000 of your own.
Pro-life goes good with the death penalty, too - makes perfect sense, right ? That's if they even have a chance to defend themselves in court, and are not shot down by a drone.

Pro-life - up my (you know what) !


golden ticket member
I know what American pro-life means !
Abortion is murder !

But, killing babies after birth isn't (Athoney Casey).
Or teaching kids as soon as they can walk and talk how to shoot a gun.
Or going to war against a country that didn't do the US any harm at all (or the world for that matter) Iraq ! And killing innocent people, plus 5000 of your own.
Pro-life goes good with the death penalty, too - makes perfect sense, right ? That's if they even have a chance to defend themselves in court, and are not shot down by a drone.

Pro-life - up my (you know what) !

You can feign anger all you want, but all 4 candidates are pro life. Which you said they weren't.

Casey Anthony got away with murder, just like OJ did. Thank the lawyers and the jury for those verdicts.......BUT, most of the time our judicial system works and we get it right.

I believe that you are so disgusted with America that you won't set foot here again and I wouldn't blame you. You show 'em!!


Name me just one of those 4 clowns that are pro-life - not 1 !
I don't want a Romney, he is too much like Obama. You wouldn't see any changes, besides maybe some more tax cuts for himself and the rich.
Newt, he's a long time politician. So things won't change much either - same old, same old.

The other 2 - yup, if a republican gets elected as prez, then I do want people like you and the C9ners to pay for it.
You'll start by getting less or none SS for example, because you have a company pension comming in.
Same would go for medicare - you'll have to pay half or all of it on your own. (because you have company pension and other income - like rental income).

Those are the people I'm cheering for - those that are ready to cut funds from well off retired people, so the youth doesn't have to pay for them.

Who cares what you think? You have no vote in these republican primaries as well as the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Therefore your opinion counts for nothing.



Well-Known Member
I'm surprised Ron Paul didn't get boo'd when asked about SOPA, that he joined the democrats to fight against it, and that republicans are on the wrong side of it.

Paul is a good honest man ! I think that's why he's liked.
He says what it is, period !


That ex Republican Senator DODD has been pushing this big time ---opps I meant Democrat --big wig in Hollwood.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Ballot Challenge to Mitt Romney’s Eligibility Filed in Illinois[/h]
