Perhaps I dozed off during those "great strides" with the Hoffa Hall Leadership. I'll certainly be more vigilant if Hall and Sean "Knuckles" O'Brien are elected!

Perhaps I dozed off during those "great strides" with the Hoffa Hall Leadership. I'll certainly be more vigilant if Hall and Sean "Knuckles" O'Brien are elected!
Louisville had a lot to do with the timing of the impasse also I believe, I think they might have been scared of the repercussions if Louisville decided to vote yes on the strike vote. But mysteriously the papers to authorize the strike didn't show up on time, imagine that happening lol.I know this sounds crazy but, I think It was planned! they could ride in,like a White Knight! Save the jobs and declare and impasse!
Yes but having the threat only works if you plan to use it. UPS knows dam well(I would think by voter turn out) that most of the younger work force will not walk. In 97 they called the Teamsters bluff and lost, I'm not so sure if they called that bluff again they would lose.We dont need to strike,just have a threat of It!.....nobody will take you seriously,if their is no threat of negative actions!...It would be like your Sup,giving you a warning letter.....but not have the power to suspend or fire you!...How seriously would you take him, then??.....Exactly!
Keep in mind that this is a one-sided presentation of what the strike was about.
Most people at that time knew the strike was about UPS offering to take over the pensions of all UPS Teamsters which Carey was determined to prevent. UPS was pressing for putting the "pension takeover" to a vote by the members and Carey got his revenge.
All the rest of it was dressing for the media.
I remember a lot of people saying the same thing as Photog during the strike.And this too is a one-sided presentation of what the strike was about.
That wasn't the exact name,that I was thinking of!You left out those like myself who like to stay under the radar---punch in, do the work, punch out, go home. Calling us cowards would be unfair.
We're talking about apathy here and the amount of people who would cross a strike line.You left out those like myself who like to stay under the radar---punch in, do the work, punch out, go home. Calling us cowards would be unfair.
The strike of 97 was very hard on me. My dad was staying with me at the time. He went down to the picket line,with me every day! ( He was a coal miner) We drank beer,grilled hot dogs and talked to the other drivers. He died a month later,unexpectedly!
There were two in our LOCAL that crossed. Not in our building.In '97 we had 1 or 2 who thought about crossing. Had we struck this time I think the number would have been much higher.
How could anyone cross the picket line and have the balls to face their coworkers after it's over?There were two in our LOCAL that crossed. Not in our building.
Their name tags ended up glued to the inside of toilet lids.
Funny thing is, when one of them went to retire he was really bitter because he said the company "lost" his clerk years and he had to fight with them to get all his pension. A lot of good it did him to appease management.
Sounds like the majority of 804 agrees with me after all.804 had less than 2500 vote in a local with almost 7,000 doesn't get any worse than that.
Guess which finger, IVE Is ,holding up??Sounds like the majority of 804 agrees with me after all.
Yeah....all the guys who didn't vote in September filled out Fedex applications this Riiiight.Sounds like the majority of 804 agrees with me after all.
Guess which finger, IVE Is ,holding up??
Sounds like the majority of 804 agrees with me after all.
Hmmm...well two in the in the that leaves...LOLGuess which finger, IVE Is ,holding up??