"The American dream" not quite so for Latinos


Staff member
So which one is the problem?
If the US had not turned into a Socialist state providing all these free services, immigration would not be a problem. Immigrants would not flock to a land where there was no opportunity.
Are you saying that if the US had not turned into a socialist state it would be a lousy place to live with no jobs available and no one would want to come here?


Nine Lives
Are you saying that if the US had not turned into a socialist state it would be a lousy place to live with no jobs available and no one would want to come here?

That's a hypothetical question which really means - "What is your opinion?". I don't play that game ... at least I try not to. Nice try though.

My statement was an observation that instead of complaining about illegal immigrants because of a, b and c, get rid of a, b and c and the illegal immigrant problem goes away.


Staff member
That's a hypothetical question which really means - "What is your opinion?". I don't play that game ... at least I try not to. Nice try though.

My statement was an observation that instead of complaining about illegal immigrants because of a, b and c, get rid of a, b and c and the illegal immigrant problem goes away.
a, b and c being what? They come here for jobs, anything else is just icing on the cake. I agree that if we got rid of the jobs, that would solve our immigration "problem".


Nine Lives
a, b and c being what? They come here for jobs, anything else is just icing on the cake. I agree that if we got rid of the jobs, that would solve our immigration "problem".

more complained about "the public is paying for the education and medical needs of their families, to the tune of billions of dollars."
education = a
medical = c
I don't know what b is - someone can fill that in very easily along with the other letter of the alphabet, I'm sure.
I'm getting some hardwood flooring put in this morning and I just spoke to him giving him directions - sounded Hispanic so I am getting out some band-aids and the English primer just in case. :knockedout:


Well-Known Member
Just playing devil's advocate:

Does anyone know if the Wampanoag confederation of tribes considered the Pilgrims legal or illegal immigrants?

Was the Mayflower Compact( precursor to the US Constitution) considered "legal" paperwork for permanent entry into the Wampanoag lands or is it basically an expired work visa.

I can understand why there is so much resentment and/or fear of illegal immigrants coming into this country, we sure would not want history to repeat itself would we:wink2::wink2:


Being a child of the 60's and hearing the talk against "The Berlin Wall" "The Iron Curtain" "The Bamboo Wall" and even "The Great Wall" I find ironic and sad that almost 50 years later we ourselves want our own wall.


Strength through joy
FORT HANCOCK, Texas (AP) - When black SUVs trail school buses around here, no one dismisses it as routine traffic. And when three tough-looking Mexican men pace around the high school gym during a basketball game, no one assumes they're just fans.
Fear has settled over this border town of 1,700, about 50 miles southeast of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, epicenter of that country's bloody drug war. Mexican families fleeing the violence have moved here or just sent their children, and authorities and residents say gangsters have followed them across the Rio Grande to apply terrifying, though so far subtle, intimidation.
The message: We know where you are.
At schools in Fort Hancock and nearby Texas towns, new security measures and counseling for young children of murdered parents have become a troubling part of the day.

(CNSNews.com) – Attorney General Eric Holder has directed prosecutors in a federal conspiracy and murder trial not to seek the death penalty for three El Salvadoran men who are in the United States illegally.
The three are accused of robbing and shooting Claros Luna on July 29, 2009 in Alexandria, Va., just a few miles from the Justice Department, as Luna transported a prostitute from Maryland to Virginia.
The suspects, Eris Arguera, Alcides Umana and Adolfo Amaya Portillo, admitted to being members of the MS-13 gang, court documents show. They were indicted on Nov. 24 on federal racketeering and murder charges.

Rancher’s murder by an ILLEGAL fuels firestorm

Rancher’s murder fuels firestorm

Border-policy critics blame immigrant, demand security
Dennis Wagner
The Arizona Republic
The unsolved murder Saturday of a soft-spoken rancher in southern Arizona erupted as a new flashpoint in the debate over illegal immigration, with conservative media and politicians demanding increased border security.
Less than two days after authorities found the body of 58-year-old Robert Krentz, political bloggers and talk-show hosts began denouncing the federal government for a perceived failure to protect U.S. citizens from violent smugglers and other illegal border crossers.
Cochise County sheriff’s spokeswoman Carol Capas said detectives have no information on the lone gunman who shot Krentz, not even a nationality.
However, after deputies and U.S. Border Patrol agents tracked footprints from the crime scene nearly 20 miles to the Mexican line, border-policy critics concluded that the killer must be an illegal immigrant
“The Mexican outlaws have total control, and it’s going to get worse,” said Ed Ashurst, whose 53,000-acre ranch is just east of the Krentz ranch. “There is going to be more bloodshed.”

John Tomasic Former U.S. Congressman and anti-illegal immigration firebrand Tom Tancredo called on Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Sunday to send the national guard to the Arizona border, where rancher Rob Krentz was killed this weekend, reportedly by drug smugglers.
“Reject politics and do the right thing,” Tancredo said through his Rocky Mountain Foundation. “As Governor of Arizona, Napolitano deployed the National Guard to help the Border Patrol do its job… Three days ago, Napolitano told an audience at Arizona State University that the border is more secure than ever. I challenge her — no I dare her — to come to this community and try to sell that lie.”


Well-Known Member
I want a wall, but a maze can be made that empties into Wkmac's backyard.

Hey More,

The way I see it, if we give them back the land we took from Mexico 175 years ago, what there are of them around here will leave and return to their old lands which happens to be where you choose to live. Since "your land" (Cal lee forn ya) means nothing to me and in fact all we get from you are worthless Hollywood types, Nancy Pelosi. Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and then next door is Harry Reid, I say give the good people of Mexico back their land. Both my problem (if you call it that) and the Mexican's problems are solved, they go home and from your POV, my local lands are cleansed of the alien parasite along with some major parasites in Washington DC. It's a win/win all the way around from my POV as the alien and the democrat congressional leadership are now in another country. Together, with you!


golden ticket member
I hate them too....I'd make a terrible Mexican.

If you order a "trucker breakfast" out here, they put avacodo slices on top.....Ewwww!


Für Meno :)
I sure wouldn't say 99% are from Calif.... gee in Florida.. had to watch my head, they kept falling from trees. They grow in backyards,, everywhere.
That was December.

I never even tried one of those suckers. I should have probably.


golden ticket member
OK, it's only 90% of the nation's avacados
Did you know?

  • Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable, belonging to the genus Persea in the Lauraceae family
  • Avocados are sodium and cholesterol-free and have only five grams of fat per serving, most of it the monounsaturated kind
  • Avocados were once a luxury food reserved for the tables of royalty, but now California Avocados are enjoyed around the world by people from all walks of life
  • Brazilians add avocados to ice cream
  • Filipinos puree avocados with sugar and milk for a dessert drink
  • The avocado is also called an Alligator Pear because of its pear-like shape and green skin
  • Avocado is a corruption of the Spanish word aguacate, which is in turn a corruption of the Aztec word ahuacatl
  • California produces about 90 percent of the nation's avocado crop
  • San Diego County is the Avocado Capital of the U.S., producing 60 percent of all the avocados grown in California
  • There are about 6,000 avocado growers in California; the average grove size is around 10 acres
  • A single California Avocado tree can produce about 500 avocados (or 200 pounds of fruit) a year although usually average about 60 pounds from 150 fruit

Lue C Fur

Evil member
  • Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002.
  • Among the largest federal costs: Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).
  • If illegal aliens were legalized and began to pay taxes and use services like legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual fiscal deficit at the federal level would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total federal deficit of $29 billion.
  • With nearly two-third of illegals lacking a high school diploma, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments � not their legal status or their unwillingness to work.
  • Amnesty increases costs because illegals would still be largely unskilled, and thus their tax payments would continue to be very modest, but once legalized they would be able to access many more government services.
  • The fact that legal immigrants with little schooling are a fiscal drain on federal coffers does not mean that legal immigrants overall are a drain. Many legal immigrants are highly skilled.
  • Because many of the costs are due to their U.S.-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth, barring illegals themselves from federal programs will not significantly reduce costs.
  • Although they create a net drain on the federal government, the average illegal household pays more than $4,200 a year in federal taxes, for a total of nearly $16 billion.
  • However, they impose annual costs of more than $26.3 billion, or about $6,950 per illegal household.
  • About 43 percent, or $7 billion, of the federal taxes illegals pay go to Social Security and Medicare.
  • Employers do not see the costs associated with less-educated immigrant workers because the costs are spread out among all taxpayers.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Go ahead, I don't eat it anyway. Looks like parrot :censored2: to me!

Avocados are great, one of my favorite foods! California has its problems but is still a great place to live.

I think the crap you posted about California could go for many States and the weather wouldn't be as nice...JMHO!!:surprised:

The thing is California is big enough for all of us..the crazy Hollywood types, the crapy politicians and even Moreluck!!:happy-very:

By the way I'm all for immigrants being here, legally!!:peaceful:


Nine Lives
more complained about "the public is paying for the education and medical needs of their families, to the tune of billions of dollars."
education = a
medical = c
I don't know what b is - someone can fill that in very easily along with the other letter of the alphabet, I'm sure.
I'm getting some hardwood flooring put in this morning and I just spoke to him giving him directions - sounded Hispanic so I am getting out some band-aids and the English primer just in case. :knockedout:

These four guys worked 12 hours with one 15 minute break for lunch (bought their lunch and brought it home.
They knew what they were doing and no wasted effort.
Don't know if they were legal or not but I respect them either way.


Avocados are great, one of my favorite foods! California has its problems but is still a great place to live.

I think the crap you posted about California could go for many States and the weather wouldn't be as nice...JMHO!!:surprised:

The thing is California is big enough for all of us..the crazy Hollywood types, the crapy politicians and even Moreluck!!:happy-very:

By the way I'm all for immigrants being here, legally!!:peaceful:

california can't be as great a place to live as canada:happy2:


Für Meno :)
Education is paid by property taxes, anyways.
If you don't own a house, it's including in the rent.

If you own a house like I do, well, I have to pay it in full, by myself.
Share it with wife and kids.... you share it with them, with the benefit of kids going to school.

IT's kind of a fixed tax, which is not quite fair. Goes by house, condo, property. Don't matter how many live in it.
However, if it was paid by income taxes, you'ld have a point, in illegals, not paying for education.


Well-Known Member
You can't just blame the illegal immigrants for working here. It's all the system that doesn't work. And the system is already aware of illegal immigrants. It's more beneficial having illegal immigrants than making a reform to fix this. And I don't think illegal immigrants claim more than what they give, that is nonsense. It sounds really stupid, because illegal immigrants pay taxes as we do, but they don't claim them back. Everything you read is not the way real life is.
I agree there should be a correct process in become legal, and you have to follow rules. But if they are allowed to enter illegaly they'll still be coming. A reform, a law, is needed to solve the problem, not a wall.