The anti-US Chamber of Commerce


Well-Known Member
Total: $12,204,154
To Dems: $6,517,903
To Repubs: $5,581,701

Only American citizens (and immigrants with green cards) can contribute to federal politics, but the American divisions of foreign companies can form political action committees (PACs) and collect contributions from their American employees. Here's an indication of the foreign-connected interests behind these PACs, based on the headquarters of their parent companies. Click on a continent to see country-by-country detail.​

At the link posted above you can also check back to 1998' via every election cycle so let's check the numbers for the 12 year trend (as opposed to the single year cycle shown above) in order to see the complete picture.

For 2008'
Total: $16,869,217
To Dems: $8,219,750
To Repubs: $8,649,967

For 2006'
Total: $11,961,974
To Dems: $4,046,423
To Repubs: $7,772,951

For 2004'
Total: $9,893,285
To Dems: $3,280,327
To Repubs: $6,606,458

For 2002'
Total: $8,512,271
To Dems: $2,854,380
To Repubs: $5,656,891

For 2000'
Total: $7,727,522
To Dems: $2,442,335
To Repubs: $5,272,487

For 1998'
Total: $5,821,852
To Dems: $1,926,997
To Repubs: $3,894,855

Totals for the 1998' thru 2008' year cycle
Total: $60.5 plus mil
To Dems: $20 plus mil
To Repubs: $40 plus mil

Seems the money goes both sides but tends to chase the party in power a little more. It's also worth noting that the total amount injected from foreign sources is an esculating upward trend and I predict will continue.

As the United States continues it's efforts of all manner of global dominance just as it's done domestically in the US for the last 100 years plus on an esculating scale, those who find themselves with wealth and in order to steer more in their direction will naturally make efforts to also steer public policy in a direction in which they benefit. Whether through direct corp. welfare, regulatory capture or international treaties and trade agreements, global, multi-national interests will only continue and increase it's efforts to affect US law and public policy.

Your choice is do you continue to be loyal and feed this monster with even more power only to see it transferred to the very people you thought it was the govt's job to limit on some moral basis or some misplaced belief that govt's job was to protect and promote individual freedom and liberty on a limited basis based on a piece of ancient paper that the gov't itself just laughs at, often with your blessing? Do you realize that both sides of the just mentioned equation are equally threatened and it way past time we defang the big central state and look locally to ourselves where we can actualy solve problems once and for all and not look at "victims" as warm blooded beings on whose blood can be sucked dry by the system that keeps them trapped!

You've rightly complained about domestic influence and now welcome to the New World Order of global influence!

Hail Caesar, Hail Rome!
Hail Caesar, Hail Rome!
Hail Caesar, Hail Rome!


Well-Known Member
To the Carl Rove-a-teers....

Evening Republicans! Remember FOX ?, Brietbart ?, Drudge ? WND ? well... now it's our turn. Hardly an even swap, a PRO-democracy community organizing group for a gang that is selling our country to corporations and foreign nationals,
Where is the Tea Party Rage? Where's your silly little costums and tri-corner hats, with your "Don't tread on me" flags...Oh....The Tea Party is out screaming "I want to take back my Country!" (Seeded and Promoted by Fox news). While Fox secretly gives the Country away, through Rupert Murdoch donating millions in funds to the US Chamber of Commerce along with foreign companies.The US Chamber of Commerce sends Alerts to foreign Companies to solicit funds, telling these Companies that Democrats are trying to Create Local Jobs that could jeopardize their companies. The US Chamber of Commerce is speaking out for Middle East Oil Companies and Corporations in China, Asia, India, Russia, and the Middle East. The Chamber also lobbied against a Bill in Congress that would bring American jobs back to America, eleven times republicans voted against it. Hmmm, sounds like Domestic Attacks towards Americans. How far are Republicans willing to go in order to see this President Fail? How disingenuous that they ask "Where are the Jobs Mr. President"? Maybe they need to go and ask Tom Donahue (R) with the US Chamber of Commerce and Fox news Where are the Jobs? dead issue ? Hardly....

Definitely strange times when China owns our debt, Saudi prince is the second largest stockholder in a media corporation that is owned by an Australian and now foriegn money flowing into our elections.

Analyze this..... Republicans remind me of a group of people in a hole and there is one ladder to get out. Because of their privilege and money they get to use the ladder first and then they the kick the ladder down, because it's a socialist "Ladder" leaving the rest of the group behind.


golden ticket member
You know, Obama (pres. or not) cannot just say stuff with no fact checking. He made allegations and then backed off the past 48 hrs. Gee, seems they weren't true. I wonder why he had Andy Stern visit the W.H. over 50 times !!!


Strength through joy
Rove Wants to Meet White House “Idiot” who Dreamed Up Funding Attack
The accusations are on, the gloves are off, and the brawl has swung on for days. But the war of words over the Obama administration’s allegations that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and GOP strategists have used foreign funding to influence the midterms is not over yet.
are happy to provide our answer: Zero. As in, ‘Not a single cent.’” Tom Collamore, senior vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, shot back in a statement.

Read more:


Well-Known Member
By Think Progress at 9:00 am
ThinkFast: October 13, 2010

A News Corporation shareholder has written a letter to the company’s board objecting to the company’s political donations, like the recent $1 million contribution to the Republican Governor’s Association, and demanding full disclosure of all the company’s political spending by Friday. The shareholder warned in the letter against the use of “corporate treasury funds to further the personal political agendas of corporate management.”
Oil companies and environmentalists alike continued to lambast the Obama administration following its lifting of its offshore drilling moratorium. “Our companies remain doubtful that this announcement is anything more than symbolic until permits are actually issued for new drilling,” said a statement by the National Ocean Industries Association. Public Citizen called the move “reckless and misguided.”
Investors in some of California’s largest energy companies are beginning to pressure those companies about money being spent to pass Proposition 23, which would effectively stop the state from taking action on global warming. Institutional investor groups will announce three shareholder resolutions today challenging Valero Energy Corp., Tesoro Corp. and Occidental Petroleum Corp., which have spent over $8 million to pass Prop. 23.
An alliance of Republican groups is planning to spend $50 million this week on attack ads “in a final push to help the GOP win a majority in the House.” The Alliance, which includes American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS — groups founded by Karl Rove, will spend more this week than the House GOP election committee is expected to spend for the entire election cycle.
Yesterday, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) urged the IRS “to quickly investigate the tax status of Crossroads GPS and other organizations” that are spending millions on campaign ads without disclosing donors. While these groups can keep donors secret as 501(c)(4) organizations, their purpose and primary activities cannot be political and thus, Durbin states, “appear to be in violation of the law.”
Afghan civilian deaths and injuries resulting from NATO-led airstrikes have “dropped dramatically” in recent years, despite and increase in fighting. Airstrikes causes 88 civilian casualties this year, down from 169 in 2008. Officials said “more careful vetting of targets and restrained use of airstrikes have led to the reductions in civilian casualties.”
“A surprise inspection has turned up serious safety violations that could have caused an explosion at another Massey Energy Co. coal mine in West Virginia, the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration” announced this past week. Violations include skipping mandatory tests for explosive gases and digging too deep into a coal seam at Seng Creek Powellton Mine.
And finally: Newt Gingrich is offering an unbeatable deal. For a small $5,000 contribution, Gingrich is willing to deliver you a “prestigious” award. Call now, operators are standing by to take your order


Well-Known Member
Bachmann Claims That The Chamber Is Using A ‘Separate’ PAC To Fund Campaign Attack Ads
Since ThinkProgress first reported on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s foreign sources of funding last week, the Chamber — and its enablers on the right and in the media — have engaged in a whitewash campaign that has deflected attention away from the core issue: that undisclosed monies from foreign entities may be improperly funding the Chamber’s political attack ads.
Yesterday on Fox Business, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) joined in when host Charles Payne asked the Minnesota lawmaker to comment on White House and Democrats’ calls for the Chamber to disclose its donors:
BACHMANN: This is about as low as it goes. It’s more than just disingenious, it’s a flat-out, patent lie. The Chamber of Commerce, who has been accused of taking foreign contributions to spend on elections, is absolutely not doing that. They have a separate political action fund and they use that only from American donors.
Watch it:

The Chamber does indeed have a political action fund. However, its PAC has so far raised $161,000 and spent only $104,000. Yet, the Chamber itself has spent more than $12 million so far this election season (and plans to spend $75 million), largely helping Republican candidates. Why is the Chamber spending so much while its PAC stays on the sidelines? Disclosure. Federal election law requires political action committees to reveal who is giving money to fund its campaign interests.
Prior to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, the Chamber would have had to run its political ads out of its PAC, contributions to which are disclosed. But the Court’s decision allows large corporations — such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns without publicizing their donors. Citizens United provided the Chamber with an end-around campaign finance law. Indeed, after ThinkProgress’s report, the Chamber not only refuses to say where the funding for its $75 million campaign comes from, but also will not prove that it separates foreign from domestic funding. “We are not obligated to discuss our internal procedures,” a spokesperson has said.
“If I was an enterprising reporter…I might ask the Chamber of Commerce to let me see their donors,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said today. “That seems like a pretty simple way to solve the debate…They say they take money from overseas, we know they are spending $75 to $80 billion running ads. Lets see where the money comes from to pay for those ads. There is an easy way to prove it all wrong


Well-Known Member
Karl Rove And Chamber Defenders Raise ‘Absurd’ Red Herring About CAP Funding

Defenders of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have adopted a new line of attack in trying to defend the Chamber against ThinkProgress’s report that detailed how the Chamber may be using foreign money to fund political attack ads in the United States. In recent days, Karl Rove, former RNC chair Ed Gillespie, and Bruce Josten, the Chamber’s chief lobbyist, have all parroted the line that since the Center for American Progress doesn’t disclose its donors, there is hypocrisy afoot and the ThinkProgress report must somehow be questionable. Watch a compilation:

Just to be clear, the Center for American Progress is not involved in running political ads like the Chamber is. CAP released a statement today explaining the difference:
Neither the Center for American Progress nor the Center for American Progress Action Fund electioneer or run candidate campaign ads. If CAPAF ever does run such ads, we will disclose the donors funding that activity. 501c4′s are not required to disclose donors and we do not see a disclosure problem with 501c4′s, like CAPAF, that continue to operate in the traditional role of a public education and issue advocacy organization; nor have we criticized the Chamber for its traditional work in support of its mission. Our concern is with organizations like the Chamber and others who have taken advantage of the Citizens United ruling to behave like a PAC by running massive amounts of candidate campaign ads without disclosing the source of funding for the ads. There is a long standing legal requirement for PACs to disclose donations, the Chamber and others are acting like PACs but without the disclosure.
As Greg Sargent writes at the Plum Line, “The comparison to the Center for American Progress is absurd, because it does not and has never run campaign ads…[and] even so, Rove’s assertions about these groups are still absurd, because we already know what their issue positions and agendas are.”
Rove and company are attacking the messenger with a false comparison, thereby sidestepping the central issue: will the Chamber reveal the well-heeled special interests behind their unprecedented political ad campaign


Well-Known Member
Ron Johnson Calls On Chamber Of Commerce To Disclose Funding Of Attack Ads

Ron Johnson, the Tea Party-backed Republican candidate for Senate in Wisconsin, has enjoyed the support of several outside groups during his election campaign: he benefited from $1.3 million in television advertising from various political action committees and other groups, including ads from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that attack his opponent, Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), for his support of health care reform.
Such groups are not required to reveal who is funding the political attacks. As ThinkProgress detailed last week, the Chamber of Commerce may be using foreign funds to support its attack ads in the United States, which would be a violation of federal election laws. Last night during a debate in Wausau, WI, Feingold pressed Johnson to call on these groups to disclose their funding sources. Johnson agreed and called for disclosure:
JOHNSON: You want to be able to select who can have free speech and who doesn’t want to have free speech.
FEINGOLD: I want everybody to have free speech, but I want them to be able to — as you just said, they ought to disclose. You haven’t even called on these people to disclose. You just said you’re for disclosure. You won’t even call on them to disclose.
JOHNSON: I’d be happy to have them disclose.
FEINGOLD: Well then why don’t you ask them to do it?
JOHNSON: Disclose.
Watch it:

So far, the Chamber has refused to provide evidence they are not using foreign money to fund political attacks, saying “We are not obligated to discuss our internal accounting procedures.” Perhaps if more candidates like Ron Johnson that benefit from Chamber attacks call for disclosure, the Chamber will feel compelled to reveal the well-heeled special interests behind their unprecedented political ad campaign


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the Chamber of Commerce, I've always wondered just like with the American Conservative Union how they measure politicians in which they issue high marks and low marks too?

U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a powerful business lobbying group in the United States, "used to be a trade association that advocated in a bipartisan manner for narrowly tailored policies to benefit its members. Since 1997 or so, it has become a fully functional part of the partisan Republican machine," with CEO and president Thomas J. Donohue "raising its budget to $150M a year from corporate chiefs satisfied with his ability to move policy through a Republican Congress," Matt Stoller wrote December 13, 2006, at MyDD.[1]

sourcewatch on Chamber of Commerce

Likeminded friends tend to share in common enemies as well. Using that framework, the republican party heirarchy hates Ron Paul and seems on it's scale measure so does the US Chamber of Commerce.........I'm just sayin'!


Big Gov't Capitalism eg social democracy is just as much as enemy of freedom and liberty as Big Gov't Anti-Capitalism. Both are pure statist to their core and only by state priviledge, state force and membership in the heirarchy can you obtain wealth and power on the backs of others.



Well-Known Member
Diesel- Its apparent you do not understand just how stupid this is. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to allege that you are not a UPS feeder driver, but in fact you are a mentally challenged circus clown. Now, I have no evidence of this, but I will make my assertion that you are in fact a mentally challenged circus clown until you post your employment records as well as necessary therapy records to prove to me and the rest of the world that you are not the mentally challenged circus clown that I believe you may be. Now before you make your next post go speak to the ringleader about cleaning up the elephant cage and maybe he will let you play with your favorite shiny red ball.

Check and mate.


Well-Known Member
Diesel- Its apparent you do not understand just how stupid this is. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to allege that you are not a UPS feeder driver, but in fact you are a mentally challenged circus clown. Now, I have no evidence of this, but I will make my assertion that you are in fact a mentally challenged circus clown until you post your employment records as well as necessary therapy records to prove to me and the rest of the world that you are not the mentally challenged circus clown that I believe you may be. Now before you make your next post go speak to the ringleader about cleaning up the elephant cage and maybe he will let you play with your favorite shiny red ball.

Check and mate.

Brett...Am I mistaken, but didn't you author a thread of insperation and joy-joy feelings of you trying to grow up and become a dumb Feeder Driver just like me ? Wow, way to take advantage of that advance education Mommy and Daddy paid for....For now, enjoy your current job in your imaginary Circus ANALogy. Apparently, being a Corperate suck-up has it's lows. Like cleaning up Republican Elephant dung in your lust to be a Carl Rove sidekick. Between having your head stuck so far up the US Chamber of Commerce's black hole, and blinding yourself by ultra-violet rays with the Tan Man's John Boehners fake tanning machine, you, and your right wing crony heros have so far offered not a shred of transparency on this issue, nor will they voluntarily do so unless enough pressure to do so. As usual, you offer nothing to repudiate the charges except a foolish attempt to play a game of chess with me....Well here goes, repudiate how stupid these claims are.....

News Corporation Shareholders Rebel Against Company’s Political Donations

Over A Million Jobs Lost In Districts Where Pro-Outsourcing Chamber Advertises



Well-Known Member
The Axelrod/Face the Nation vid is now a dead link and who got YouTube to kill it is debate fodder for sure, although not worth the time IMO. As for "Thinking Progress" posting this information, I applaud them and consider these details important to good transparency. I don't think C of C was ever what one might call hiding anything as D rightly points out this info is public but foreign corporations becoming members of an organization in what is in truth an enabler of welfare to persons (a corporation is a person even per SCOTUS) should really come as no real surprise either when you consider how global business and global capitalism really works.

And let's not forget, it's is foreign nations who are in truth keeping us alive right now economically as they purchase our ever increasing debt. Just like the note holder on home loans or even cars, they can set demands and terms you must adhere to and sometimes the loan conditions might change and again you have to comply or answer the call to immediately pay off the note if you don't want to comply with the new terms. We are not in that position so it does make sense that foreign interests that hold our debt are using the leverage to their benefit.

I don't think this info is anything new nor even surprising to someone like David Axelrod, (hell he knows the deal) it's just a mechanism to exploit for political benefit and purpose of the mass public that are nothing more to them than a bunch of leemings. Bothsides do it and very often when info is floated out to the public, the whole thing is like a flea-flicker play in football where you make the otherside go in one direction while your real intent is to go eslewhere or you are protecting elsewhere. After several series of downs, the idea is to move the filed position to your advantage so you know have a shot at the endzone. To us leemings it's like Criss Angel using illusion to make you see what you think (and most often wanna) see.

Democrats say the repubs. are in the pockets of foreign interests while the repubs. are using the same info in making the case that democrats are liars. Both are actually right but not in a way either want you to think and it points again to the brillance of H.L.Mencken who said, "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule and both commonly succeed, and are right." Change issues and the roles reverse. It's like listening to a couple of whores making the case that they can give you the better sex but neither tells you both are infected with every sexual disease known to mankind and in the end the sex isn't that good and you are left with the knowledge you are just going to die from the experience!

Earlier this year, Sheldon Richman, longtime editor of The Freeman magazine, (house mag. for FEE, Foundation for Economic Education) and senior fellow at Future of Freedom Foundation wrote a 2 part piece scratching the surface of a growing debate about Capitalism, it's history and it's realtionship to the Laissez Faire traditions of what is called the Free Market. Once one begins to dig into history a bit and understand things from it's roots minus the the system spin we get daily in mega doses by the political players involved.

Capitalism and the Free Market Part 1

Capitalism and the Free Market Part 2

When one understands that capitalism and what is called socialism are not opponents of one another, that globally capitalism works and operates within a type socialist framework across the planet, that mega capitalist George Soros who many point as some super socialist is the norm not the exception, that the so-called super rightwing, mega billionaire Koch brothers can fund the Cato Insitute, the Tea Party and the Democrat Leadership Council all at the same time with no conflict (at least in their minds), that the so-called capitalist Chamber of Commerce can fund the capitalist republican party as easy as it funds the socialist democrat party and never bat an eye, then in truth you will begin to understand that capitalism and socialism are actually partners, that capitalism can't exist without State intervention or what some might rightly call socialism.

Maybe the problem is that we are the ones who don't understand capitalism and socialism. And speaking of socialism, in the 19th century context, socialists like Pierre Joseph Proudhon and Benjamin Tucker although considered socialist were also fiercely anti-state but also considered individualists and free market. Many of Proudhon's mutualist offspring and Tucker's Anarchist offspring today are fiercely anti-capitalist and yet fiercely anti-state and fiercely free market in the french Laissez-Faire traditions. The anti capitialism is based off the viewpoint that capitalism is the enabler of choice of state socialism and vica versa and that POV has lots of solid historical evidence to back that belief up, American economic history being one.

The wizard behind the curtain is no wizard indeed!


Nine Lives
Democrats say the repubs. are in the pockets of foreign interests while the repubs. are using the same info in making the case that democrats are liars. Both are actually right but not in a way either want you to think and it points again to the brillance of H.L.Mencken who said, "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule and both commonly succeed, and are right." Change issues and the roles reverse. It's like listening to a couple of whores making the case that they can give you the better sex but neither tells you both are infected with every sexual disease known to mankind and in the end the sex isn't that good and you are left with the knowledge you are just going to die from the experience!

Being a full-blown cynic myself, I enjoyed this!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Capitalism Saved the Miners

The profit = innovation dynamic was everywhere at the mine rescue site.

It needs to be said. The rescue of the Chilean miners is a smashing victory for free-market capitalism.

If those miners had been trapped a half-mile down like this 25 years ago anywhere on earth, they would be dead. What happened over the past 25 years that meant the difference between life and death for those men?

Short answer: the Center Rock drill bit.

This is the miracle bit that drilled down to the trapped miners. Center Rock Inc. is a private company in Berlin, Pa. It has 74 employees. The drill's rig came from Schramm Inc. in West Chester, Pa. Seeing the disaster, Center Rock's president, Brandon Fisher, called the Chileans to offer his drill. Chile accepted. The miners are alive.

The U.S. has a government led by a mindset obsessed with 250K-a-year "millionaires" and given to mocking "our blind faith in the market." In a fast-moving world filled with nations intent on catching up with or passing us, this policy path is a waste of time.

The miners' rescue is a thrilling moment for Chile, an imprimatur on its rising status. But I'm thinking of that 74-person outfit in Berlin, Pa., whose high-tech drill bit opened the earth to free them. You know there are tens of thousands of stories like this in the U.S., as big as Google and small as Center Rock. I'm glad one of them helped save the Chileans. What's needed now is a new American economic model that lets our innovators rescue the rest of us. :peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Brett...Am I mistaken, but didn't you author a thread of insperation and joy-joy feelings of you trying to grow up and become a dumb Feeder Driver just like me ? Wow, way to take advantage of that advance education Mommy and Daddy paid for....For now, enjoy your current job in your imaginary Circus ANALogy. Apparently, being a Corperate suck-up has it's lows. Like cleaning up Republican Elephant dung in your lust to be a Carl Rove sidekick. Between having your head stuck so far up the US Chamber of Commerce's black hole, and blinding yourself by ultra-violet rays with the Tan Man's John Boehners fake tanning machine, you, and your right wing crony heros have so far offered not a shred of transparency on this issue, nor will they voluntarily do so unless enough pressure to do so. As usual, you offer nothing to repudiate the charges except a foolish attempt to play a game of chess with me....Well here goes, repudiate how stupid these claims are.....

News Corporation Shareholders Rebel Against Company’s Political Donations

Over A Million Jobs Lost In Districts Where Pro-Outsourcing Chamber Advertises

Where are the lies Brett ? These are publicly available records. I mean, of course you don't care about facts or critical thinking so I'm not sure why I'm asking, but I thought I'd give you a shot. Please tell us where there was lying and distortion involved. You don't even need to cite a source, just let us know where the lie is, and use your elephant pooper scooper.

Aw, did I strike a nerve with you? Or did I just come close to exposing who you really are? ;)

The bottom line here is the white house admits it has no evidence to back its allegations up other than a liberal blog post who in itself had no evidence to back up its claim. The claims are bogus, they have no merit, and you are wasting your precious time trying to persuade anyone here otherwise. Now tell your democrat buddies to take cover on Nov. 2 because a hurricane is coming!

I appreciate your concern over my education and my new job as a feeder driver. I would like to point out that I will continue to take classes online as time allows in order to complete my degree. Thanks to people like yourself I cannot hang all my future hopes on UPS as my lifelong employer because the economy is just too unstable to be that naive.


Nine Lives
... and you are wasting your precious time trying to persuade anyone here otherwise. Now tell your democrat buddies to take cover on Nov. 2 because a hurricane is coming!

Just curious but has anyone ever changed their mind based on what someone else posted here in Current Event?

Please resume your monologues. :peaceful: