The Boehner Steps In It

:happy-very: with Sober

Could someone ask BoenHer's sweetie if he tastes like an orange? Make for a great National Enquire headline.

"Speaker Navel Juicey! per his mistress."
At this point there is only rumor that he has a mistress, Monica was only a rumor for a day or two.
Personally I care as much about one as I did the other.


Well-Known Member
At this point there is only rumor that he has a mistress, Monica was only a rumor for a day or two.
Personally I care as much about one as I did the other.

At this point trplnkl, the post was about silly fun and I don't care about either one!

Lock the thread? Don't be silly, why go and be such a willy!

Got a Cat In The Hat thing going on!


Staff member
I believe in gossip, but I don't believe in made up rumors concocted to just hurt someone's character.

Obama's a socialist.
Obama wants to confiscat guns.
Obama's a muslim.
Obama is Hitler.
Obama's a communist.

What category do these fall into?


golden ticket member
TRUTH !! You forgot narcissist!! Although I don't remember calling him all those things. Inept, socialist, hooked on cigs, talks out both side of his mouth, idiot, never had a real job, liar, that's my take on him. Don't think it was me who called him a communist....check with wkmac.
Obama's a socialist. Clear evidence of that....truth
Obama wants to confiscat guns. Same as above
Obama's a muslim. true evidence
Obama is Hitler. Never heard that, rumor
Obama's a communist. evidence of official affiliation

What category do these fall into?

I rest my case.

Is that a case in defense of Obama or is it in prosecution of More Luck?


Well-Known Member
TRUTH !! You forgot narcissist!! Although I don't remember calling him all those things. Inept, socialist, hooked on cigs, talks out both side of his mouth, idiot, never had a real job, liar, that's my take on him. Don't think it was me who called him a communist....check with wkmac.

There you go twisting facts again but you've been conditioned to do it so I understand. Been there, done that but went to rehab!

Recheck your facts sweet pea, I call him a corporatist. In fact bbsam also admitted to being a corporatist as well and for the most part I'd agree with his analysis of himself. Also called Obama a socialist in the Mussolini tradition but then I called Bush that too so there you go. A Mussolini socialist is in many a sense a Corporatist by another name with a few changes here and there. bbsam may work for purple but politically he still wears a black shirt, he just still resists going that far and admitting it!

And as for force, you do use force everytime you or anyone else for that matter vote! It may not be a realized or intended action but in the end, force is exactly what it is.

The question is, can you think it out and see it as it really is?

Took me a very longtime too so there is hope.



golden ticket member
Voting to me is like putting in my $.02. And, as u know, I have contributed $$$ millions (even though not many agree with me). For those who take me literally, that's not in real money, but in multiple 'two cents' over the past 11 years.


Engorged Member
I vote for this thread to be was started on an unsubstantiated rumor and no proof coming forth.......let's kill it as Sarah would say !

Kind of like the target on Gabby Giffords that was "killed" by scrubbing it off Palin's PAC site? Funny how all of the killing and gun rhetoric come from the Right. I could care less that Clinton got a BJ and that Boehner is screwing around. What really matters is how competent they are in office. The irony here (which you don't get) is that Clinton never touted himself as one of the Religious Right. Boehner actively supports the Religious Right and claims to adhere to the principles they espouse, such as fidelity, no abortion etc.


golden ticket member
fidelity? where is the link that says he was cheating on his wife ?? I already threw you one republican who had the audacity/stupidity to post on Craig's List a picture of himself bare chested and offering himself to a woman while failing to mention he was already married. Idiot!!


Engorged Member
fidelity? where is the link that says he was cheating on his wife ?? I already threw you one republican who had the audacity/stupidity to post on Craig's List a picture of himself bare chested and offering himself to a woman while failing to mention he was already married. Idiot!!

I'm an "idiot" because I made a comparison between a Clinton BJ and Boehner? The GOP lays claim to God, apple pie, and American values, whatever that's supposed to mean. The Democrats, also flawed, generally don't make the same claim. This is the same type of hypocrisy that has the GOP ranting about "big government invading our lives", and then pushing for the renewal of the Patriot Act, perhaps the biggest invasion of privacy since J. Edgar Hoover.


golden ticket member
I'm an "idiot" because I made a comparison between a Clinton BJ and Boehner? The GOP lays claim to God, apple pie, and American values, whatever that's supposed to mean. The Democrats, also flawed, generally don't make the same claim. This is the same type of hypocrisy that has the GOP ranting about "big government invading our lives", and then pushing for the renewal of the Patriot Act, perhaps the biggest invasion of privacy since J. Edgar Hoover.

NO, the idiot was for the guy who posted on Craig's List. I don't know you well enough to call you an idiot....besides that would be against the T.O.S.
I'm an "idiot" because I made a comparison between a Clinton BJ and Boehner? The GOP lays claim to God, apple pie, and American values, whatever that's supposed to mean. The Democrats, also flawed, generally don't make the same claim. This is the same type of hypocrisy that has the GOP ranting about "big government invading our lives", and then pushing for the renewal of the Patriot Act, perhaps the biggest invasion of privacy since J. Edgar Hoover.
Typical, we all KNOW the little story about Clinton and Monica is true and documented but none of us KNOW the rumor about the Speaker of the House to be true. So far, there has been no proof or anything to support the story.
Your assumption that all Republicans endorse the "Religious Right" is not even close. It is obvious that all you know about the "conservatives" is what you hear on MSNBC or read on I think you are confusing religious with righteous, something I have never heard Boehner claim.



Engorged Member
Typical, we all KNOW the little story about Clinton and Monica is true and documented but none of us KNOW the rumor about the Speaker of the House to be true. So far, there has been no proof or anything to support the story.
Your assumption that all Republicans endorse the "Religious Right" is not even close. It is obvious that all you know about the "conservatives" is what you hear on MSNBC or read on I think you are confusing religious with righteous, something I have never heard Boehner claim.

Boehner has a 91% approval rating from the Christian Coalition, which indicates (at least to me) that he follows their line of thinking. Something may break on this in the next few days. If not, I'm happy he's faithful to his wife. And I didn't say that all Republicans endorse the Religious Right, but it's obvious that the GOP is inclined in that direction.


Für Meno :)
Who will really know anyways. The Kennedy - Monroe affair still isn't out.
Big bucks will be paid to keep it secret.