If true...What happens to the housing markets and real estate, will our children be able to live the American Dream of owning a house and raising a family if it requires the couple to make over 200,000 a year for the bare minimum. Something has to give, all these so called new jobs (subject to change) created during the Biden/Harris years are generally nowhere, part time, minimum wage, non Union jobs with no benefits/pension. What happens to these kids start graduating from these high level ivy schools and see those most attracted entry positions start evaporating and the Companies still laboring under
those discriminatory DEI directives. It was laughable what Harris proposed, 25,000 dollars for first time home owners that was designed to help the illegal aliens...25,000 dollars cannot even buy your appliances or a couch...what a joke. Meanwhile the interest rates for a 30 year fix is over 7 percent...the stupidity...