I hear some say electric cars --the future ?? Better tell the coal industry that is under siege and well as natural gas and fracking.
Take away coal and natural gas --just renewable ---will not cut it !!
What if every home and building in the United States had solar panels and water heaters on the roof?
What if every suitable location had windmills connected to the grid? What about tidal energy generators?
What if we made ethanol and biodiesel from algae, grown in brackish water or untreated sewage, using desert lands that are otherwise unsuitable for agriculture?
Expensive you say? Yes...but so is maintaining the worlds largest military industrial complex in order to wage wars against nations who are unlucky enough to be sitting on top of the cheap oil we are addicted to. The reality is that if we paid for the cost of our military
at the pump instead of simply passing the cost on to our great grandchildren in the form of debt....we would be paying $8 or $9 a gallon for gas instead of only $4.
Is $8 or $9 a gallon a lot? Yes...but if you drive an electric car who cares? Or if you could buy a VW Lupo that got 80MPG on renewable biodiesel...its the same thing as paying $1 a gallon to feed an SUV that gets 10MPG.
If everyone commuted to work in a vehicle that got 40MPG, we wouldnt need to import a single drop of oil from the Middle East and we wouldnt borrow billions upon billions of dollars to wage war or support a military presence there.
The technology exists to resolve our problems. The only thing getting in the way is our sense of entitlement and our unwillingness to embrace change. I for one dont want my great grandchildren to inherit a bankrupt nation in a war-torn world that has been strip-mined of all its resources simply so that I can tow a big boat behind my big SUV.