Full time RPCD’s and seniority Feeders will be making close to 40 an hour by 2023...
The only way for the Company to save labor costs are their contributions into our pension and health and welfare plans. They are currently eliminating some of the fat in their management divisions, just keeping done upper level redundant positions for show.
O’Brien and his team will be going into these negotiations fully loaded...Carol and her executive board knows this... pay increases across the board will happen...this will be her first contract and the shareholders are getting fat because of increased demand for shipping products caused by this pandemic.
I fully expect her to start talking to O’Brien about very early negotiations. There will be no need for a strike vote this time. I see the Company eliminating it’s UPS pension plan for part timers and replacing it with a matched 401k similar to what they did with their management’s plans.
It appears that the monetary contributions going into our health and welfare plans are more than adequate to continue our coverages, generally it increases annually at 30 dollars a week per member. Any improvements in that plan is controlled by our health and welfare administrators.