It wasnt a matter of too many good choices for the GOP, its simply, a field of candidates that nobody really likes. The GOP is having to settle for the best of the worst of GOP candidates. NO matter how the right wing spins it, if romney wins the nom, he wont get all the GOP votes. People just dont like him.
If santorum wins, he will surely lose to OBAMA because NOBODY wants a political idealog with a religious overtone to run this country. Nobody wants religion shoved down our throats, or to reopent the abortion debate, or to hate on gays, or to go to war once again.
The country has learned its lessons on those issues already.
While Santorums close second place finish shows that ROMNEY isnt the candidate of choice for the right, it also shows that the TEA PARTY IS DEAD.
The Tea Party did not show up last night in IOWA and Bachman is living proof that the movement is DEAD.
The Tea Party is TOXIC in washington, and the numbers in IOWA prove it. The vote did not come out. Same as in 2008 and less than in 2010.
OBAMA will have no problem cruising past Santorum in the general , and he will also beat Romney, but not by much. The rest of the field is history.
Newt Blingrich will be next to exit followed by Huntsman.
Dont count out Ron Paul, he had a strong showing in IOWA and time will tell if he can win in SC or florida. The GOP picture is becoming alot clearer, and that picture says LOSER all over it.