Are you serious? Why is it, that someone like Michelle Malkin can get a grip on someone like you and yet, you dont find the hypocrisy of Michelle Malkin Nauseating?
She was once a featured "blowhard" namecaller on the Orielly comedy hour until that fateful day when it was discovered, that she had a little secret...
Yes, the same Michelle Malkin who speaks out against illegal immigration and "border babies". You know the ones, the pregnant hispanic women who cross from mexico to have kids so they become american citizens..
Low and behold, it comes out that Michelle Malkin herself is a BORDER BABY. Yes, the rightwing whackjobs parents were here on EXPIRED student visas when her mother was pregnant, and BANG, Michelle Malkin is an AMERICAN CITIZEN.
Her parents, now having an american daughter didnt leave the country when they were suppose to, and stayed here ILLEGALLY for years.
They came from the Phillipines and were ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country taking advantage of every free program out there at the time.
Bill Orielly was forced to drop her as a featured guest to save his own rear from those claiming he was a hypocrite.
She married and changed her name, trying to hide her own past by blasting those trying to make their own life in the US.
She is the most hated person in the media in California, even as far as having her children threatened over and over, forcing her to put them in school after school to avoid controversy.
Right wingers like her style of diarrhea of the mouth cause it suits there sentiments.
Dont embarrass yourself by hitching your wagons to this POS Illegal Alien byproduct.
If you hate illegal immigration, then you should really hate this wretch.