The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!


Engorged Member
Neither is legitimate criticism but MrFedEx, TOS and you call it racism.

The Obama joke is clearly racist. Anyone should be able to see it. Sometimes I really think that The Right has such a limited understanding of anything but WASP concerns that they genuinely don't "get" that they're being racist in some of their responses. It's scary that such a large group of people are not only culturally unaware, but actually ignorant. And that's being nice.


golden ticket member
The Obama joke is clearly racist. Anyone should be able to see it. Sometimes I really think that The Right has such a limited understanding of anything but WASP concerns that they genuinely don't "get" that they're being racist in some of their responses. It's scary that such a large group of people are not only culturally unaware, but actually ignorant. And that's being nice.
How "white smart" are the people in the black community???? It works both ways.


Staff member
Neither is legitimate criticism but MrFedEx, TOS and you call it racism.
You are going to have to help me. The only one I have ever called racist around here was Mungrin and that was absolutely true and the reason he is no longer here.


Well-Known Member
Personal responsibility!!! It's amazing how our values have changed so much. How now it is okay to stand there in front of America and profess to be a slut. And then stand there with her hand out wanting free birth control. Her parents must be proud of how they did raising her. I cant believe anyone would be proud to have raised a child to think like that. We should be raising our children with values of marriage. Not have the them parading around exclaiming to be a highly sexually active person and then expecting me to think that is okay. There are clinics that already provide those services. But now we are to believe that is a right to be provided bc. When is gonna end what will be next. Democrats are a joke they keep there party down and their hands out. They can't lift them out of poverty cuz then they lose control. If they didn't have the needy they wouldn't have a base. Generation after generation of democratic voters are in the same position as they were 50 years ago. Dependency only creates laziness. What's the point of going out in the world and providing for your family when a government will provide everything for you.
When will America realize that this is an effort to cloud the OBAMA failure as
President!! Which part of 4 more years do you want?? More debt, more dependency of government,.......


Engorged Member
Personal responsibility!!! It's amazing how our values have changed so much. How now it is okay to stand there in front of America and profess to be a slut. And then stand there with her hand out wanting free birth control. Her parents must be proud of how they did raising her. I cant believe anyone would be proud to have raised a child to think like that. We should be raising our children with values of marriage. Not have the them parading around exclaiming to be a highly sexually active person and then expecting me to think that is okay. There are clinics that already provide those services. But now we are to believe that is a right to be provided bc. When is gonna end what will be next. Democrats are a joke they keep there party down and their hands out. They can't lift them out of poverty cuz then they lose control. If they didn't have the needy they wouldn't have a base. Generation after generation of democratic voters are in the same position as they were 50 years ago. Dependency only creates laziness. What's the point of going out in the world and providing for your family when a government will provide everything for you.
When will America realize that this is an effort to cloud the OBAMA failure as
President!! Which part of 4 more years do you want?? More debt, more dependency of government,.......

Yawn (see Libertarian/GOP talking points).


Nine Lives
You are going to have to help me. The only one I have ever called racist around here was Mungrin and that was absolutely true and the reason he is no longer here.

I'll take you at your word ... my apologies.
I just lumped you with the other two ... guilt by association.:itwashim3:

I will be watching though! :picture:


Well-Known Member

I am not defending nor attacking the comments made by Rush.

But again lets be clear it is about who PAYS for the contraception. Quote "If we are going to PAY for her to have sex--What does that make her ?? --a prostitute ? a slut ? "

That is not the way I would have presented this --but enough is enough. Pay for food stamps, pay for housing ,pay for cell phones, pay for healthcare, etc etc--now also pay for my education and for my contraception ???

We have many seniors that cannot afford their meds --Obamacare taking 500 billion out of medicare to pay for "contraception " is rediculous.

Your not defending limbaugh??? Sounds like you are. It is amazing how you "conservatives" will listen to that loud mouth fool. But for the dems and obama supporters this kind of talk as well as the virginia forced vaginal probes law and contracetpion talk is helping their cause. With the economy improving and obama sounding more hawkish on iran, these culture war issues are all that is left in the rights' goody bag . But it seems it is backfiring on them. Frankly it doesnt matter who gets the nomination this november. I think the repubs have really put themselves into a box ideologically. I think this might be like 1964 or 1972.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Personal responsibility!!! It's amazing how our values have changed so much. How now it is okay to stand there in front of America and profess to be a slut. And then stand there with her hand out wanting free birth control. Her parents must be proud of how they did raising her. I cant believe anyone would be proud to have raised a child to think like that. We should be raising our children with values of marriage. Not have the them parading around exclaiming to be a highly sexually active person and then expecting me to think that is okay. There are clinics that already provide those services. But now we are to believe that is a right to be provided bc. When is gonna end what will be next. Democrats are a joke they keep there party down and their hands out. They can't lift them out of poverty cuz then they lose control. If they didn't have the needy they wouldn't have a base. Generation after generation of democratic voters are in the same position as they were 50 years ago. Dependency only creates laziness. What's the point of going out in the world and providing for your family when a government will provide everything for you.
When will America realize that this is an effort to cloud the OBAMA failure as
President!! Which part of 4 more years do you want?? More debt, more dependency of government,.......

These are almost the exact words of RUSH LIMBAUGH himself. He stated this exact case on the today and yesterday. Unfortunately, this isnt WHAT Susan Fluke said on capitol hill. This outrageous characterization of her testimony is the type of ludicrous information that pins back the ears of the ignorant.

RUSH has no idea what this young womans life is all about. RUSH has no way of knowing what her intentions are. RUSH is not a DOCTOR or LAWYER, he is merely an uneducated radio talk show host, yet the faithful listeners repeat his garbage word for word as if it was gospel.

I am a democrat, make over 100K a year, own a couple of homes, own big toys, stocks , bonds, have a daughter who just earned a full ride scholarship to UCLA and I take nothing from the goverment and pay my taxes.

I know plenty of dead beat republicans who sit around and bitch all day long and do nothing but blame OBAMA for there woes. The typical republican out here always blames minorities and the democrats for "their" failures and then they listen to A-HOLES like Limbaugh to make them feel better about themselves.

Your repeating of this paragraph of typical limbaugh nonsense shows your lack of knowledge on national issues and your inability to create your own thoughts.

Just today, two companies have pulled thier advertisements off limbaughs show. SLEEP TRAIN and SELECT COMFORT have ended their relationship with Limbaugh over his outrageous statements you just presented.

Lending tree, Auto zone and E Harmony have stated that ANY ADS that ran during Limbaughs program have been run in ERROR and wont be run again during his show.

Why, if advertisers are severing financial relationships with Limbaugh, are some of you still defending him?

Hopefully, america will shut his pie hole once and for all. Arnold was right when he said LIMBAUGH was no longer relevent to todays discussions.




Well-Known Member
How is suggesting that Limbaugh is a porcine beast "racism"? Pehaps you need to go back and get that GED.

TheOtherSide claims an email that was forwarded calling the mother of B. Hussein Obama was a trashy slut is racist. Nevermind that joke was around before that clown even heard the name Obama. By his own standard just him posting that email makes him a racist. Those of you defending him posting that email, by his own standard, are also racist. Your joke was made about sex and a woman(wife of Limbaugh) so by your own standards it also has to be racist since both women were the same race. After reading the false outrage by a couple of clowns on this thread about that slut that wants free birth control I have concluded that you leftists also hate women. It cannot be about the slut part as none of you guys defended Laura Ingraham so it has to be that leftists also hate women.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If you think Limbaugh got the best of the deal with his big mouth, think again. MORE SPONSORS are pulling advertising off his show.
Bottom Line - Rush Limbaugh in hot water with sponsors after 'slut' remark

Even Carbonite, something Limbaugh promotes agressively each hour has scheduled a face to face meeting with Limbaugh to discuss there "disgust" with his comments on air. Carbonite has recieved thousands of phone calls and the CEO has said he too was offended by RUSH's comments.

Select comfort said this today:

“Due to recent commentary by Rush Limbaugh that does not align with our values, we’ve made the decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program," Gabby Nelson, company spokeswoman at mattress manufacturer Select Comfort, said in an emailed statement.""

This is the type of reaction decent americans should have. There is nothing to defend in limbaughs behalf. I hope america can show limbaugh that he is an expendable windbag and should be yanked off the airwaves.

The President of Georgetown University has come out in support of Ms Fluke and chastized RUSH LIMBAUGH as ignorant. Time for you all to stop defending limbaugh.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TheOtherSide claims an email that was forwarded calling the mother of B. Hussein Obama was a trashy slut is racist. Nevermind that joke was around before that clown even heard the name Obama. By his own standard just him posting that email makes him a racist. Those of you defending him posting that email, by his own standard, are also racist. Your joke was made about sex and a woman(wife of Limbaugh) so by your own standards it also has to be racist since both women were the same race. After reading the false outrage by a couple of clowns on this thread about that slut that wants free birth control I have concluded that you leftists also hate women. It cannot be about the slut part as none of you guys defended Laura Ingraham so it has to be that leftists also hate women.

And the idiocy continues.




Staff member
It is funny to watch the George Wills, Peggy Noonans, and Charles Krauthammers of the republican establishment nearly giving up on the presidential election. Now, they say, it's time to pivot to congressional elections. Good luck. Seems like birth control is now evidence of sluttiness. Between the Christian right and the Tea Party, I don't know how swing voters will be convinced to vote for these congressional republican candidates. And for what republicans claimed at first was a "freedom of religion" issue, how is Rush Limbaugh now calling this woman a slut? Where's the "freedom of religion" issue that is being addressed in that. Republicans used to be so good at staying "on message".


Staff member
And just to be clear, none of that makes republicans racist. Just an angry herd following eachother off the cliff.


Well-Known Member
I had not seen the video until last night and I was appalled. This guy is the "unofficial" voice of the Republican party?! He owes this young lady an apology.


golden ticket member
Yawn (see Libertarian/GOP talking points).

That's the left's way....never address what was said, just feign boredom. Do you suppose someone could've pointed this girl to a drugstore.....they are everywhere.
Poor baby, can't afford to have sex outside of marriage .......GOOD!