The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!


golden ticket member
We are not saying RUSH is an "EFFECTIVE" leader of the right wing party, we are saying he is the leader of an "INEFFECTIVE PARTY". Understand the difference?



He isn't a leader at all...........just an opinionated fool like Stern. I don't know why you give such credence to radio jocks.
We are not saying RUSH is an "EFFECTIVE" leader of the right wing party, we are saying he is the leader of an "INEFFECTIVE PARTY". Understand the difference?


Tell me TOS, what part of my posts on Rush do you not understand? I have said repeatedly that Rush is NOT a leader on the GOP, PERIOD.
Now do YOU understand?
I see the right wing echo chamber is at full volume here.
If it were not for thick headed liberals not paying attention and then trying their hardest to change what the "right wing" has said repeatedly the "right wing" would not have to "echo" what we have said.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
HATE SPEECH Posters Criticizing Hate Speech! Hypocrisy at it best!

I had not seen the video until last night and I was appalled. This guy is the "unofficial" voice of the Republican party?! He owes this young lady an apology.
You are much smarter than believing this guy is the "unofficial" voice of the Republican Party. Please don't drink that kool-aid from the left wing loons!

klein said:
Will Rush Limbaugh's 'slut' comments finally cause Republicans to cut ties?

WASHINGTON - Rush Limbaugh has been called the godfather of the GOP, a conservative firebrand whose enormous following by millions of disciples known as "dittoheads" has given him unprecedented clout in the Republican party.

"While Republican leaders owe no apology for Mr. Limbaugh's comments, they do have a responsibility to repudiate them — and him," the Washington Post wrote in a weekend editorial.
"For the good of U.S. political culture — or at least its own political self-interest — the GOP must distance itself from Mr. Limbaugh."
Conservative David Frum, the Canadian-born pundit and former George W. Bush speechwriter, has warned Republicans for years about the dangers Limbaugh poses to the party.
Reasonable people will distance themselves from the far left and far right loons.

The left wishes this was true right now so they can re-elect Jimmy Carter. The fact is that Rush is not a politician but a radio personality. Apparently, at least on this board it seems that the left listens to Rush( I don't) more than anyone else, ---Why?-- Because they're threatened by him---LOL!--Rush's only mistake was to act like the left in name calling. This hyperbole of leftwing, moronic spewage is just another attempt at distracting people from the real issues in this country. What a damn shame that there are people out there blinded by the little name calling issues instead of focusing on--Going broke, creating jobs and moving this country forward. I'm starting to feel sorry for your kids too!

WELL SAID! I could not have stated this any better. Thank you!

Double standard?? Maher is a comedian; Limbaugh is the spokeman and chief propagandist for the republican party.

This is kool-aid drinking. Be careful, reasonable people see the two of these folks in the same light. Except that Maher gets away with using uncensored pornographic dysphemisms.

Republican women have a shot at pretty. Just gotta have the "bitch face" surgically removed.

You are starting to sound just like TOS and FedEx. I find it extremely ironic that TOS starts a thread about the "Mouth of Hate Speech" when just about all of her posts have hate in them and signed with "Peace". I have thought of you as better than them... You may have a different POV than me but I think of you as an independent reasonable thinker. Please don't make make me doubt myself.

Somebody is going to have to explain something to me. The right insisted that this was a freedom of religion issue. That is a defensible point. But then Rush walks right into this mess about "slut" and "prostitute" and the next thing you know, we have the folks on the right tripping over themselves to defend Rush. Now how does calling any woman a slut and a prostitute advance the freedom of religion case? I would say that it doesn't and the sooner they disengage, the better off they will be. Of course, that will mean eating a bit of crow, so this will probably continue on ad infinitum

Reasonable people will not defend the actions of this right wing radio personality. No matter what anyone says, this guy does not have much influence and won't make a significant difference in the Republican platform at the convention. Those who hold delegations will. By far, the biggest personality who influences reasonable people is Bill O'Reilly. He has the largest national audience for a commentator bar none, and conducts interviews and pushes his POV with people who actually lead this country. His views may be slightly right of center but then.... so is the country!

I have to say that anyone that thinks Rush Limbaugh guides the GOP is delusional. The only reason he has such high listener #s is because the MrFedExes and TOSes of the loony left listen to find things to ridicule. I don't personally know any conservatives that tune into his show.


First off, I agree with you about Rush- I have no use for him either. I've listened to him about a total of 90 seconds in my lifetime. I don't watch Fox news either- I have a total of about 2 minutes watching that.

My question is: why in the world do you listen to, daily, someone who you despise and do not agree with, and then go home nightly and watch a program that affects you the same way?

I'm sorry, that's just dumb.

Do you watch porn as well just to make sure that you don't agree with it?
Do you poke yourself with sharp instruments to make sure it still hurts?
I respect your views, even though I don't agree with them, but I don't understand your logic.

What I have some disagreement in this quote is respecting someone's POV. If the person giving their POV is a HATER, (We have a few posters here that are haters) then I have no respect for that POV. Hate speech is not free speech... Let us be clear about that. When you lump everyone to the right of you as a racist or religious fanatic, and an ignorant fear mongering SOB than you do not have the right to that speech. There are two posters on BC that evoke the worst in me so they are now on my "ignore list". I don't want to be dragged down to their level. I am ashamed to say that I have been dragged down. I have posts I am not proud of.

An extreme leftist and his constant mistruths. I'm sure you think that if you repeat it enough you're thinking someone will believe you. Good luck with that, meanwhile the leftists and their false outrage didn't resonate with the voters like they had wished. In fact it seems to have turned them farther away from your tyranny. Very comical how Ms Fluck is now even backing away from her testimony.

I have said it before and I will say it again... This goes both ways. My biggest fear is that we will continue to be misguided (BO is not a leader) and further divided by the administration. This administration pits the 1% against the 99% just to name one area, I could name a lot more.

When will we realize that the folks in the middle of this political spectrum, (the reasonable people) have the real power to make this country great again?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, the fat blowhard seems to be embarrassed by his own words spoken on air, he demands YOUTUBE pull down the video of him spewing his views on Sandra Fluke. Fortunately, the Daily Kos still has it running for the world to see.
Daily Kos: Rush Limbaugh demands YouTube remove Daily Kos video ... watch ithere

The Daily KOS spliced together three days of limbaughs words and it proves what I have been saying for years. REPETITION works on his listening base! Watch how many times he repeats himself hour after hour day after day, up to his eventual apology after 200 sponsors dumped his bloated rear end.

What a POS.

Afraid of his own words and has to demand they be taken off the internet! HAHAHAHA




golden ticket member
She never did answer the damn a man???? Just gets her another 15 minutes

Via Mediaite:
Getting word that Sandra Fluke is engaged, Fox News analyst Monica Crowley tweeted, in response, “To a man?” Unsurprisingly, what Crowley called a joke didn’t sit well with many — and Fluke herself responded to the remark on Ed Schultz‘s show Thursday night.

Referring to Crowley’s comment as “hate speech,” Fluke said the “blatant homophobia” is what bothered her.

Schultz called Crowley’s words “cruel and homophobic,” and said she implied that supporting women’s rights must mean you’re gay, and being gay must mean you’re “a lesser person?” He then asked Fluke for her reaction.
Well, you know, where I’m from, when someone tells you they’ve become engaged, you say congratulations rather than engaging in hate speech,” she said. “It’s certainly not the way I wanted my engagement to be greeted.”

Fluke went on to add, “That said, I’m not going to let this kind of thing get to me personally. What really bothers me about it is exactly what you said, the blatant homophobia in the comment. The idea that’s an acceptable thing to say publicly.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Monica Crowley apologizes thoroughly to Sandra Fluke - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Monica Crowley, the BIG MOUTH of hate speech for the right wing had to do what the right wing hates to do, apologize for HATE SPEECH.

The right wing is trying hard to find blonde bigots to do the talking for them as surrogates, with the exception of Tanterros, who has kept her black hair. Well spoken women are paid to speak HATE on air, and FOX news is loaded with them.

Monica Crowley is no different. Her sister is married to Alan Colmes. At least someone in her family has some brains.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
How Ironic is this thread anyway. The biggest :panicsmiley: BC political HATER starts a thread about HATE SPEECH!! It has got to make you laugh just a little! :fightings:


Age quod agis

Monica Crowley apologizes thoroughly to Sandra Fluke - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Monica Crowley, the BIG MOUTH of hate speech for the right wing had to do what the right wing hates to do, apologize for HATE SPEECH.

The right wing is trying hard to find blonde bigots to do the talking for them as surrogates, with the exception of Tanterros, who has kept her black hair. Well spoken women are paid to speak HATE on air, and FOX news is loaded with them.

Monica Crowley is no different. Her sister is married to Alan Colmes. At least someone in her family has some brains.



Do you ever say anything positive about anyone?
Why do you spend so much time on right wing websites or Fox News if they upset you ?


Age quod agis
Because its then easy to see where YOU and the others get your points of view from. Pretty simple.



Idon't really get to watch TV. I spend more time working and then volunteering at the MS Society. I am so glad you know me better than I know myself.

Pretty simple?

Walk in my shoes and tell me more about me.


golden ticket member
Because its then easy to see where YOU and the others get your points of view from. Pretty simple.


We actually have our own opinions. You say we are nothing but FOX talking points.........well, you are Maher, Maddow, Mattews, colmes, Kohn, Juan, Beckel, Ed, etc. all rolled into one !!


golden ticket member

Monica Crowley apologizes thoroughly to Sandra Fluke - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

Monica Crowley, the BIG MOUTH of hate speech for the right wing had to do what the right wing hates to do, apologize for HATE SPEECH.

The right wing is trying hard to find blonde bigots to do the talking for them as surrogates, with the exception of Tanterros, who has kept her black hair. Well spoken women are paid to speak HATE on air, and FOX news is loaded with them.

Monica Crowley is no different. Her sister is married to Alan Colmes. At least someone in her family has some brains.


I've always thought their Thanksgiving dinners have got to be rough!! See, I already knew that little tidbit from Fox News because they actually disclose those things.
I actually cracked up when I heard Monica said that!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Today, LIMBAUGH said on the air that "the killing of usama bin laden was no big deal"...."an overnight story". Really? Thats not what he said during the BUSH administration. For almost every year that BUSH was in office, RUSH helped to promote the idea that Usama Bin Laden was the worlds largest terrorist. He droned on and on about his capture during the BUSH years as an excuse to justify both wars.

But today, in light of president Obamas successful capture and killing of Usama Bin Laden a year ago, Limbaugh has decided to do an about face and diminish the killing of Usama Bin Laden.

Give us a break. Am I imagining things or did BUSH say the almost 7000 dead military personnel were fighting to capture Bin Laden?

Which is it GOP?

