Today, the much anticipated explanation from Rush Limbaugh was broadcasted. As expected, he didnt back away from his intentions, only clarifying that he used the "wrong" words but the intent was still the same. In other words, ms fluke is still a slut and a prostitute, he just should have used "other" words to make that description. Thats not where it ended however. He furthered his explanation by telling his audience how he came to be in this situation.
Of course, its not "his" fault, oh no. He had another explanation for his involvement in the Fluke story. It couldnt be because he "mischaracterized" ms Flukes testimony by exaggerating what she said, oh no, thats not it, or how about the fact that he asked for a sex tape from ms Fluke, nope, thats not it... so then, what is the reason??
Well, if you said he was "tricked" into it by the liberal democrats, then you are CORRECT!! Yes folks, in his best attempt to sound less like a

bag and more like an enima bag, RUSH explained for hours how the democrats "set him up" and he "FELL FOR IT".
Unbelievably, he wouldnt take ownership of his actions and merely ranted on about how he fell for a liberal trick because he is "NAIVE".
Seriously? He described himself as NAIVE? Please, are his fans this gulible?
He ranted on about the big "scam" to run a phoney issue by the american public, set up by George Stephanopolis the month before during a debate, then some hearings and the introduction of Ms Fluke by calculation where she would make some statements that the liberal democrats "KNEW" that he would react to in a manner that could be described as outrage, and when "he" did, he was caught in the liberal democrat TRAP!
WOW! 2 hours to explain this scenario and that was the best explanation he could come up with?
The story is sooooo plausable... NOT.
Instead of just saying he said something he shouldnt have because he personally attacked a female he knew nothing about, instead, he tried to blame the democrats for "trapping" him.
A new low for Limbaugh and his supporters, however, i must add that i want to say THANK YOU to Rush for the reminder how ignorant he and his audience that supports him are.
Althouse: The Rush Limbaugh show is on in a few minutes. I'm live-blogging it.