Well-Known Member
It's even funnier that they were all for the war in the beginning but as soon as the terrorist bombings started they quickly flipped the script and did what they are known best for.....curling up in the fetal position and calling for the immediate pullout of or troops.
Oh, you mean Bush ordering the UN Weapons Inspectors to pull out of Iraq early. They did after all had free rein to search any suspect WMD site of their choosing and also sites chosen by Wash. as possible hiding places.The Inspectors operating at full strength instead was forced to leave early which shows this Adminstration was determined to invade reguardless of the WMD outcome. So who flipped the script ? And GW tried to rewrite the script by insinuating Iraq was somehow 9/11 related, and the War keeps America safer.And Far Righties buy into all this.