all of youse need to WAKE UP and understand that this is the byproduct( and dare I say INTENDED byproduct) of the ruling class. The inner city dwellers have been under the boot of the Elite Ruling Classes for so long there is no escape,no alternative. Please,sit warm and tight in a culture that you are in ONLY because of the luck of being BORN into it and smugly pass judgement upon those who weren't as lucky as your lot as I am sure it makes your lot feel better about yourselves .
When i was a part timer I did substitute teaching in City of Atlanta Schools. The funding these schools get is sub bar,and as a result the children get a sub par education. The teachers dont care,the administration dosen't care and as a result the students don't care. Again I place alot of the blame on lack of student interest on the Ruling Class.
I challenge your lot,being as youse all seem so bloody offended by the inner City Youth to get off your

and DO something,rather than just promoting White Upper Class propaganda. Feed the homeless,volunteer at a food bank,volunteer at an inner city school. Oh yes, it's MUCH easier to just blame the Inner City population isnt it?