Mainstreaming of America is achieveable by providing the mass majority, accurate non-bias,non-influencial outlets,that individuals can educate themselves on.
Couldn't have said it any better.
In my"ignorant" opinion,the difference is the reps got us knee deep into this fiasco(yes,with the help of some blinded dem support) with the excuse of bad intel for perhaps a master plan of logistics,protecting American interests..Oil!
If you compartmentalize history into specific sectors based of political control, no arguement but I don't happen to view our course in that narrow a corridor. Years ago there was a program on Discovery channel that I was addicted too and it was called Connections. It would take some modern event of importance and then go back hundreds if not thousands of years to an event that would seem to have no relevence or "Connection" and move forward through time showing how that one event of long ago would build on another and then another as it course through history and complete itself with our own historical moment.
You can make the case the repubs got us where we are, this is true but I could also make the case that the legal precedense the repubs used to exert this power was first established by the democrats of Woodrow Wilson and his League of Nations vision and the democratization of the world and further brought to bear by FDR and what became known as the United Nations and they didn't start it but picked up the small beginning left by others before them.
The American version of empire building which we call NationBuilding cut it's teeth and honed it's skill in the post WW2 years in which we got the BrettonWoods Agreement (actually July 1944') which gave us the IMF, ITO, World Bank and more important to creating a visionary post WW2 world, the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development.
You could fill computer hard drive after computer hard drive with facts and details on this subject and no I'm not writting a book on that either.
It's just that when I see your posts on matters like this, you may not mean to have it come across this way but it just seems you never give or show any contrition as to the democrats actions and role in all of this. In fairness maybe you do and I just miss the point. My bad if so!
It's like the whole voting for Iraq war thing as the pat answer is the repubs lied and tricked them into voting. Well that's funny because Kucinich and Paul saw this thing from a different perspective as they voted no. Or like Paul, is Kucinich just the democrat version of Dr. No?
I still love to go to that parallel universe where Al Gore won in 2000' and watch the democrats beat the war drums and Michael Moore's movies be nothing but PR films for the annilation of Saddam and the repubs making Ann Coulture their version of Cindy Sheehan. Come on Diesel, you know that picture has you rolling.
Sad part is the fact it's completely true and all one needs do is go back to the 1990's and watch Clinton in his nationbuilding forrays and the repubs at everyturn opposing him and where were the house democrats in all of this? Beat the war drums of course except the little idiot Kucinich. I'm more and more starting to like this guy even though our vision of gov't is very different.
At the opening of the Bretton Woods conference in 1944', FDR made the following remark,
"The economic health of every country is a proper matter of concern to all its neighbors, near and far."
Just looking at the quote I would think that most people would agree with this as we have concern for our own personal neighbor's situations. We want the best for them and hope the best but would we go over to our neighbor's house and demand of them that they live exactly as we want them too? Would we demand they work a job more befitting our image and self service of what things should be? Just how far could we go? Is it right under any moral code to do such a thing? Well if it's not right for us on an individual basis to do such a thing, no moral standing from a higher power to do such, then how is it justified when we form collective cooperatives and grant them the use of deadly force to go in and do these same things to other collective cooperatives? I believe that what you can't do as an indivdual, you also can't do by forming groups and granting them the appearance of being legit even under the guise of the democratic process. The way I see it Diesel, whether democrat or republican, whether public or private, "WE" (and I'm including myself here) have all sinned.
Look hard at FDR's words and then look at world events in the last 60 plus years since he made those remarks and the actions of our gov't whether democrat or repub controlled and tell me the motive really wasn't malevolent rather than benevolent. Sorry Dies', I wish you were right just for the sake a simple vote for the other side would fix the problem but IMHO that is not the case. Besides, if it were the case the very thing you quoted to start this post would be advocated from the mountain tops by the democrats and that just ain't so and we both sadly know it.
I'm cynical but yes I'm even hopeful that we will in time figure this out. I'm just not looking for this bunch of beauty queen contestants to git er' done!
Hey what ended up being the earning report for UPS? I just remembered what today is. Gotta go look. C ya!