The ( OFFICIAL ) angry Contract results thread!


Resident Suit
I’m going on 14 years at UPS and was a Major Accoint Manager by year 4. Assuming I’ve been successful you can probably make some guesses that if I drove 1100 miles this week I probably wasn’t visiting vinny’s Pool supply and 3rd street.
You keep saying you've driven 1100 miles this week like it's some kind of accomplishment. If you're so good you shouldn't have to drive that much. If you really do have 1 account worth $64 million that should be your whole day.


Resident Suit
Or on day 3 they take the districts who are handling those loads and throw them on a ready team and move them all on a plane to a random area to sort packages at a random sort so we can screw the whoooole country.
What are you worried about? You're a sales manager, and as one you should know that they aren't activating the BD guys this peak so the FedEx guys don't pounce on our business.


UPS Defender
The way I read this....the union officials don't actually care about the actual members they are representing?

If I am off base....someone (with credentials or at leas some intelligence) please correct me.

About 500 posts back I said electronic voting was a bad idea for the union. Now you see why.