The party of "family values" strikes again!


nowhere special

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sad to see what you people belong to. Yet, you hype them up like they are the most moral, loyal and honest people in politics.

You see what scumbags really look like and I know its tough to handle, but their "your" party.

Maybe you can bring the balloons!



Its all good.
Sad to see what you people belong to. Yet, you hype them up like they are the most moral, loyal and honest people in politics.

You see what scumbags really look like and I know its tough to handle, but their "your" party.

Maybe you can bring the balloons!

You people? Your party? If you paid any attention to any of my posts you would know I'm not a pub or dem. I guess anyone who doesn't agree with your ideas is automatically one of " those people".

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Well-Known Member
The lists go on and on and on...

Republican hypocrisy and the "family values" concept.

I once pulled a water skier under a bridge. When I got pulled over, I had no spotter, no fire extinguisher, no life jacket (only a cushion), and 2 open fifths.

I have no idea what the political views of the police or the judge were. Or if they were gay. Because quite frankly it doesn't matter.

Should I have checked the background of these 3 people before seeing the judge? I mean if I can find dirt on them, they are hypocritical for punishing me...right?


Well-Known Member
I have often said, "Every time they do something crazy, hateful, bat:censored2: stupid.....I say they can't sink any lower." And they always make a liar out of me.Give 'em a chance, they always find a way to sink lower.Wingnuts keeping it classy.

I agree that you leftist wingnuts are some hateful bottom of the barrel types.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I have often said, "Every time they do something crazy, hateful, bat:censored2: stupid.....I say they can't sink any lower." And they always make a liar out of me.Give 'em a chance, they always find a way to sink lower.Wingnuts keeping it classy.
How is it MEAN to call him a name the MODERATORS have put on him?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Years ago, when I was just a little boy , if any elderly person had spouted the ridiculous nonsense spoken by our current crop of Republican and Tea Party supporters, their children probably could have had them committed to an asylum for the criminally insane by a court judge. But now people who espouse these same insane opinions are Fox watchers who really, honestly believe what they're told. And their confirmation bias will reject anything that doesn't go along with their opinions. Anything. You know, like the truth..............


Well-Known Member
Years ago, when I was just a little boy , if any elderly person had spouted the ridiculous nonsense spoken by our current crop of Republican and Tea Party supporters, their children probably could have had them committed to an asylum for the criminally insane by a court judge. But now people who espouse these same insane opinions are Fox watchers who really, honestly believe what they're told. And their confirmation bias will reject anything that doesn't go along with their opinions. Anything. You know, like the truth..............

Poor thing. Blame everything on Bush or Fox News when all else fails.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Poor thing. Blame everything on Bush or Fox News when all else fails.
Hypocrisy used to be a character trait universally viewed as negative. It's becoming commonplace for the GOP to engage in overtly hypocritical behavior.. . To quote "Billy Madison," 'Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to you."


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
"You people" - ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha :biggrin::teethy::laughing2::happy2:
If there ones thing the Gop/Tea Party is....its CONSISTENT WITH TALKING POINTS! If 1 person says he's a dictator king....then EVERYONE,MORELOCK,OLDIE,BROWNY says he's a dictator king. Doesn't matter if they actually think so or not, 1 for all and all for 1.......1 talking point for all and all for 1 agenda.....and they really don't miss a beat. 1 guy says treason and they all SAY they feel like he's treasonous and should be impeached......The GOP suck at pretty much anything to do with actually running this country or helping to improve it in any way shape or form but they're damn sure cohesive with the talking points!!!!