Attention Right Wing- we are not in the middle of a race war in this country. Quit trying to start one. It might also help if you stopped denying the class war that is actually going on. Racism + Homphobia + Corporate Welfare + Hate = GOP
Breitbart slandered her and smeared her, then FOX "news" slandered her and smeared her. She is a strong woman and she was right and the facts were revealed unedited. Even the white Farmer couple in her story supported her and said she saved their farm. Vilsack made a mistake and acted prematurely, but recognized his error and moved quickly to amend it. The only evil in this case was perpetrated by Andrew Breitbart and the thugs at FOX "news." Breitbart was whipping up the racial cauldron to divide the country.
When the Democratic Party embraced civil rights the old line southern racist element left the Democratic Party and became the white, southern, racist core of the modern day Republican Party. I know you don't like it, but that is the truth. This country elected a black president by a decisive margin hoping to help heal the racial divide. And the racist core of the Republican Party and the spin off Tea Bagger Party is driving the fear factor in poor, ignorant white Americans hoping they will be afraid of Black Americans that hold power positions. This is reckless and unpatriotic. I am awake, and what I smell is the stench of Breitbart. And now they're trying to turn the race issue around on democrats....
How do you defend a proven lack of integrity from your pool of News gatherers....and then sit here and continue fuel the flames with the same dishonesty ?