The raise in 2002 was bigger than in 2019


Give it a break! UPS will raise rates higher in 1 year then the % increase they pay us over 5 years! that is a fact!

I call shenanigans! Prove to me the health and welfare package is equals $50,000! I think you liars have been telling this lie for so long its a reflexive go to when you are caught in a lie!

LIAR! 2002 the raise was $.75, 2018's is $.70. This is a FACT that you can not make up! It was published by the IBT page 135 in the blue book! 2013's raise was the same as 2018 at $.70! Page 155 of the current book! That is not upping jack.....Jack! What exactly did our negotiators get paid to do on our behalf?

ROFLMAO, wow, just wow! Who here thinks UPS could hire for the most back-breaking, kick your ass work in a near 0% unemployment environment without paying more than the lowest possible wages? Damn that had to be one very hard sell our negotiators did to get that through! I mean who would want to work at McD's next to a girl in thigh shorts with questionable morals for the same pay when one could work for 4 hours nonstop (except for 1 ten min break which you never know when will come) dripping in sweat the entire time? The negotiators outdid themselves on that one!
In fairness, the 2013 raises were generally split raises while the new contract are not split, so it is a better raise.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Give it a break! UPS will raise rates higher in 1 year then the % increase they pay us over 5 years! that is a fact!

I call shenanigans! Prove to me the health and welfare package is equals $50,000! I think you liars have been telling this lie for so long its a reflexive go to when you are caught in a lie!

LIAR! 2002 the raise was $.75, 2018's is $.70. This is a FACT that you can not make up! It was published by the IBT page 135 in the blue book! 2013's raise was the same as 2018 at $.70! Page 155 of the current book! That is not upping jack.....Jack! What exactly did our negotiators get paid to do on our behalf?

ROFLMAO, wow, just wow! Who here thinks UPS could hire for the most back-breaking, kick your ass work in a near 0% unemployment environment without paying more than the lowest possible wages? Damn that had to be one very hard sell our negotiators did to get that through! I mean who would want to work at McD's next to a girl in thigh shorts with questionable morals for the same pay when one could work for 4 hours nonstop (except for 1 ten min break which you never know when will come) dripping in sweat the entire time? The negotiators outdid themselves on that one!
Your posts are way too long you’re too high maintenance, I think I’ll pass.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
In fairness, the 2013 raises were generally split raises while the new contract are not split, so it is a better raise.

We saw split raises in only 5 years (the contract we are working under now which was jammed down our throats by the IBT leadership). The last 5 years and nobody could explain that concession at that time either. The BIGGER raise in 2002 was not a split raise!


If it’s brown, it’s going down
I watched it several times. Trust me, I watch everything and see a lot more than you give me credit for. The guy is way off base and feeding angry people that don't know what they are really mad about. Hate feeds hate. Most people are mad about the last contract and the contract getting imposed on them. They let it spill into this contract. Lets call a spade a spade.
I call your guy a paid Hoffa guy still watched it and dont disagree with everything, so your telling me the original video posted brings nothing to light of why this contract is not the best ever? Be honest and really try to let go of your emotions towards your buddies on the NNC and tell me he didn't point out 3 things that are a loss for the union.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
"in addition to our $4.15 we're adding $5 dollars from our health and pension fund." Where the :censored2: is that in the proposal? I just reread the purposed service agreement and I saw an increase for $1 which IS THE SAME AS THE LAST CONTRACT!!

Where is the additional $5 in the proposal?

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
I call your guy a paid Hoffa guy still watched it and dont disagree with everything, so your telling me the original video posted brings nothing to light of why this contract is not the best ever? Be honest and really try to let go of your emotions towards your buddies on the NNC and tell me he point out 3 things that are a loss for the union.
Nobody is my buddy. I have zero allegiances to anyone but the members


Well-Known Member
I watched it several times. Trust me, I watch everything and see a lot more than you give me credit for. The guy is way off base and feeding angry people that don't know what they are really mad about. Hate feeds hate. Most people are mad about the last contract and the contract getting imposed on them. They let it spill into this contract. Lets call a spade a spade.
What's he off base on?

Anyways, reading some other numbers, the 2002 contract gave basically the same raises we're getting in 2018, but after 16 years of inflation and CoL increases, meaning those raises were worth a lot more then than they are now.

Checking an inflation counter, $1 in 2002 is effectively $1.40 in 2018, or to put it another way, a $0.70 raise today is about as good as a $0.50 raise back then.

Yeah those raises keep adding up, but the cost to ship a package also keeps going up. Checking google, from 2017 to 2018, the cost to ship a package went up by almost 5% on average. So if anything, it sounds like shipping costs are going up faster than labor costs, and considering that technology is (or at least should be) lowering the number of manhours needed to move a package from A to B, that should be even better.

So my question is, what are the circumstances in 2018 vs 2002 that allowed them to give effectively so much better raises than they can today? Is UPS actually getting less efficient over time and it's actually taking more man hours to get a box from A to B? Are they giving corporations such gigantic discounts to stay competitive that they're not actually making that much more profit? What's going on here?
What's he off base on?

Anyways, reading some other numbers, the 2002 contract gave basically the same raises we're getting in 2018, but after 16 years of inflation and CoL increases, meaning those raises were worth a lot more then than they are now.

Checking an inflation counter, $1 in 2002 is effectively $1.40 in 2018, or to put it another way, a $0.70 raise today is about as good as a $0.50 raise back then.

Yeah those raises keep adding up, but the cost to ship a package also keeps going up. Checking google, from 2017 to 2018, the cost to ship a package went up by almost 5% on average. So if anything, it sounds like shipping costs are going up faster than labor costs, and considering that technology is (or at least should be) lowering the number of manhours needed to move a package from A to B, that should be even better.

So my question is, what are the circumstances in 2018 vs 2002 that allowed them to give effectively so much better raises than they can today? Is UPS actually getting less efficient over time and it's actually taking more man hours to get a box from A to B? Are they giving corporations such gigantic discounts to stay competitive that they're not actually making that much more profit? What's going on here?
It's a :censored2:ing insult


Package Car is cake compared to this...

In feeders, our biggest concern, was, and is, subcontracting.

Maybe package car drivers and part-timers don't understand that, but this may be UPS's biggest in to eliminate the vast majority of us. Nothing happens overnight, but it isn't hard to see their road map on how they can accomplish it.

A few years ago, UPS bought Coyote Logistics for $1.8 billion. That's with a B, people. Coyote wasn't a trucking company. They were a dispatch company that matched independent truckers with companies needing freight moved. And they did it and do it on the cheap.

Now UPS is in charge of Coyote, or what used to be called Coyote. And they didn't shell out $1.8B to pad the bottom line.

As soon as peak comes around, UPS gets on the line and starts filling our loads with the Coyote scabs. And UPS being UPS, they use these drivers to shuttle around our loads all year round when they think they can. And with the poor language in our last contract, it's tough to document when this happens.

You see, the language states that only the ORIGIN hub can file a grievance on contractors moving our loads. And since a lot of our loads are off-property--rail yards, satellite lots--it can be hard to know when gypos are taking our loads. It's much easier to see a gypo coming into a hub than leaving it, because they may not be actually leaving the yard proper.

But we are nothing, if not vigilant. Here, drivers are keyed to gypos, and spotters can use their computers to look up origin loads. Then we use the UPS Teamsters Facebook page to call out to the origin hub, so they can file the appropriate grievance. We don't care if we get paid, but we want SOMEONE to get paid. And others do the same.

And yes, Denis T thought he would throw us a plastic bone, by adding language in the proposed contract, to include DESTINATION hubs that can also file on gypos carrying our work. That might be okay, if the union fought to get the core problem addressed, but they haven't.

And that's not even the big problem with the new language. He made much about how UPS will now pull many loads off the rail to make 2000 new sleeper jobs. Sounds real groovy.

Ah, but the devil is in Taylor's work. And his contract words.

For example, Article 26, Sec. 6, states, the company commits that the number of new drivers to REMOVE loads from the rail shall be, at least, 2000, over the length of the contract. Notice the word REMOVE, and not RUN.

That same section says, that if UPS hires 200 drivers by year end 2019, and 450 drivers in each addition year, for the remainder of the contract, then, "it shall have the right to cover these RUNS with substitute means of transportation."

Well, you don't have to be real smart to see how big of a hole you could run through this language.

In other words, those 2000 jobs, that Taylor wants to tout, basically amount to local jobs pulling loads off the rail to give to low-cost contractors to run on the roads. Jobs that we USED to run.

You'd have to be stupid to not see how this is like water running under the foundation of your dream home. It's only a matter of time before it collapses.

And if it happens to feeders, do you really think it can't happen in package car?


As far as this video of this Hoffa stooge goes, I can match, and raise you this video, for balance:

And as a final word, this clown has cans of Hamm's beer on his table. Hamm's? Are you kidding me? Is Pabst's beer not cheap enough for this people? Can you even BUY Hamm's beer anymore? And WHY?


Package Car is cake compared to this...
10 million is a lot of money. I will agree with that. Now do me a favor, because I do answer a lot of your questions. Would you google the top coo's and how much they are compensated at. Then match it up against your stooge.

Wrong game, junior. It's not our job to compare COO's salary for you. We don't sit on executive boards or play golf with UPS negotiators. We punch in everyday and see what we make COMPARED to COO's and the people who are supposed to represent us.

We know where we stand. We know what we're worth.

When you're leaving the country club, ask yourself the same thing, junior.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
The pension bump, plus protection are more than fair in my accounts compared to what others have. The 4.15 if a responsible raise. I think we could have took something from somewhere else and gave the part timers after 4 or five years a catch up raise in hindsight. The contract being worth 14.8 billion over 5 years is very lucrative. The harassment language is beta than anyone in any industry, paying monetary penalties. The 22.4 is something we will need down the road to compete. Saturday and Sunday are going to be big down thyme road. The supplemental language that is not out yet is very good as well. I am not a fan of the 4 year progression for air drivers, but we wanted to enhance the healthcare for the other half of the full timers who's benefits weren't as good as other full timers and all part timers in Teamcare. The 9.5 protections help the wimps who are to scared to go on the list. What else do you want me to comment on?

Nothing Denis. You've made your point.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I think if we put it out to the general public that you cant live on 36 an hour with an additional 45,00 in benefits they would laugh at you and say the usual all I have to do is drive around and deliver that I cant stand to hear.

Denis, we don't do a job the general public does.