nowhere special
I hope you’re not holding your breath. Lol.
Isn't he allowed to make up

This IS Current Events.
I hope you’re not holding your breath. Lol.
Islamic terrorist group National Thowheed Jamath blamed for Sri Lanka bombings
Ubu’l Kassim (A.D. 570-632) was born in Arabia. He claimed visions of an angel as the basis of his new name Mohammed (“highly praised”) and as the medium of new revelations given to him orally (he was illiterate). His say-ings were collected after his death and written as the Qur’an or Koran (reading, recitation).
Peace... perfect peace.
Ubu’l Kassim (A.D. 570-632) was born in Arabia. He claimed visions of an angel as the basis of his new name Mohammed (“highly praised”) and as the medium of new revelations given to him orally (he was illiterate). His say-ings were collected after his death and written as the Qur’an or Koran (reading, recitation). Mohammed called his new religion “Islam” (“to submit,” i.e., to God) and followers Muslim (“one who submits”).
The key pillar of this new religion is the confession, “There is no God but Allah; Mohammed is the Prophet of Allah.” Other pillars include ritual prayers in Arabic, fast-ing during daylight hours of Ramadan, alms, pilgrimage to Mecca, and males answering the call to Holy War against non-Muslims.
Surah IX, a section of the Qur’an on “Repentance” or “Immunity,” discusses wars against idolaters, including instruction to “slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush” unless they repent. “Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture [Bible],” such as “the Jews” and “the Christians,” “until they pay the tribute.” “Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Al-
lah!” Only “the weak” and “the sick” are excused from the campaign, with those who stay home to gain “knowledge in religion,” but other believers “give their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain.”
Peace..perfect peace.
Facts of history mess with your pretend time?Here we go...
Facts of history mess with your pretend time?
Nah..Sounds like Islam started as fraudulently as any other religion.
Might sound like it to you but I don't think as fraudulent would be the way I'd put it.
Maybe.I’m fortunate to have the gift of unbiased opinion when it comes to religion.
I'm fortunate enough to be honest enough with myself to recognize and accept what is true and reject what is false.
Right.Right. And what’s true to you is what’s in line with your faith.
A faith that has been proven.
Only a dog with a top hat smoking a pipe would have blind faith.
That’s wierd. There is this thing people found that had documented things called the Bible.Faith is called faith because it has no provable basis in fact. Christianity has no leg up on Islam when it comes to its founding.
That’s wierd. There is this thing people found that had documented things called the Bible.
Facts of history mess with your pretend time?
Belief in the existence of God is easy for me. No man has seen God. He cannot be put in the test-tube and examined.Faith is called faith because it has no provable basis in fact.
I'll just lol at that. A leg? A whole body.Christianity has no leg up on Islam when it comes to its founding.
You had such good words. bye byeNot at all.
The carnage.
Muslims did it, Christians did it, Hindus did it, Buddhists did it, etc.
You’ve chosen a path I won’t ever be on.
I’m happy for you man!
You found a path that makes you the Man you are.
I have nothing but respect for that.
However, I’m an atheist, so your conviction seems daft to me.
I told you before, (when you weren’t quite clear about where your morals came from) that I didn’t get my morals from your book.
You were like, ‘What book, I just want to have a conversation!’.
I believed you.
My bad.
Not much point in us carrying on like this, there’s no benefit either way.
Because there’s never a situation where you aren’t a Christian and I’m not an atheist.
No matter how hard you try, atheism isn’t a religion.
Anyway, sorry to break up with you over a forum (!), but that’s how we met.
Honestly, there’s no more profit to be gained from continuing this interaction.
Again, I appreciate and respect how you feel, but you and I are light-years apart.
BA out.
(BTW, there are mad gods in the Buddhist Canon; not every Buddhist sect/delineation believes in them, but many do, to this day!)