where did God come from? The Bible types will say that He always has been and always will be or some other nonsense, but it's a legitimate question.
As a bible type , I'll try to answer...
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and was and is to come—the Almighty." --Rev.1:8..--Yep..That's an always has been and always will be.
It is a legitimate question. It has legitimate answers by objective evidence.
There is no logical explanation of the creation without the existence of God. Our creation is a cosmos, not a chaos. Whether we consider the most intricate workings of the eye or the movements of the heavenly bodies, there is order manifested everywhere. The design that exists points us toward a designer. There is no explanation of the orderly arrangement of the universe without the belief that God designed it.
The conscience of man and moral values point to the existence of God. All men have a conscience. From where did it originate? Did man's conscience originate from a rock, a turkey, or a monkey?
The Bible points toward the existence of God. The Bible exists. Can't deny this. The Bible contains things beyond the capability of unguided men.
The Bible was written by 40 different men from different backgrounds and educational levels, on three continents, in three languages, and over a period of 1600 years. But there is a remarkable unity in this book.
The Bible also contains prophecy. No man is able to tell the future. Yet the Bible foretells the future. Copies of Isaiah exist which were written approximately 200 years before Jesus was born. The prophecies of the book of Isaiah announce that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (7:14), considered deity (9:6), made an atonement for sin (53:46), put to death (53:8), and raised from the dead (53:8). How did the author of this book know these things about the Messiah?
He could know them only because God revealed them to him. Indeed, the Bible points to the existence of God.
God just is. Sorry, not a satisfactory answer.
These are just a few of the answers that are satisfactory for me to know there is a God but not for you.
Your answer has never been answered...
If all of it came from a lower form, from where did the lower form come from?
Another lower form? Go back as far as you want to can go.
Eventually something will have come from nothing. And if you believe that...have at it.