The right wing giggle hour!


Engorged Member
DONT FORGET, they had a George W, Bush action figure as well!! Here it is!!



Strength through joy
Hillary Clinton Action Figure $29.95

John Edwards Action Figure $29.95
Bernie Madoff Action Figure $149.95 Only 250 Units of this Version will be Made Comes with a fist full of Hundreds
Rod Blagojevich Action Figure
$149.95 ONLY 250 Units of this Version will be Made Comes with a fist full or hundreds
Obama Joker Action Figure. Only one per Customer.
Obama Joker Action Figure $49.95

Action Figure complete with Water Board. $49.95

Michele Bachmann Action Figure. Michele Backmann Doll.only $34.95


Strength through joy
TEHRAN (FNA) – Former member of the US House of Representatives Cynthia Anne McKinney (D) said she is truly ashamed of her country’s policies.
Addressing an international conference dubbed ‘International Coalition against Terrorism for Fair Peace’ here in Tehran on Saturday, the former US House member urged Washington to avoid imposing its will on the world nations through the use of force, violence and weapons.
“As an American, I am upset with the policies of my country, but the measures adopted by the first Afro-American president of the United States has ashamed us all,” she said.
“If there is no truth, there won’t be any justice, and today the US policies are rooted in lies, injustice and war,” she continued.


Well-Known Member
Maybe there should be a dozen donuts there instead of the sign.

MFE, this cartoon has a lot of meaning beyond your poor attempt at humor. Amtrak is trying to build a tunnel to link New York and New Jersey. New York was on board (pun intended) but Gov. Christie balked at the price tag so the project is currently on hold.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
MFE, this cartoon has a lot of meaning beyond your poor attempt at humor. Amtrak is trying to build a tunnel to link New York and New Jersey. New York was on board (pun intended) but Gov. Christie balked at the price tag so the project is currently on hold.

YEs, its on hold and the unemployment rate held as well.



golden ticket member
85% of the housing market in Las Vegas ,NV is underwater. Compare that to the national average of 33%.

No kidding...I have a condo in Vegas....paid $106,000 in '03 and it's now worth about $56,000.
It's definitely a great time to buy a vacation home in Vegas....lots of bargains. My condo has occupants, so it's all good and the loss (until I sell) is just on paper.


Engorged Member
MFE, this cartoon has a lot of meaning beyond your poor attempt at humor. Amtrak is trying to build a tunnel to link New York and New Jersey. New York was on board (pun intended) but Gov. Christie balked at the price tag so the project is currently on hold.

Nope, I wasn't aware of the Amtrak project. But I am aware of Fat Boy's obstructionist politics, and I understood the meaning to be that he was nothing but a sign at the end of a tunnel, as in no substance. GOP hacks like Christie balk at public projects, even if they make perfect sense. Why? Because every public project is a "waste of money".


golden ticket member
Just like the bullet train in CA? it where the population isnt??? That makes a lot of sense. We don't need trains....people hardly ride the ones we have now.


Engorged Member
Just like the bullet train in CA? it where the population isnt??? That makes a lot of sense. We don't need trains....people hardly ride the ones we have now.

Ever been to SoCal? The corridor from LA to Las Vegas is always busy. A bullet train makes perfect sense. It would go from one extremely large population center to a major entertainment destination. Most Vegas visitors come from the LA area. Besides a boost for the Nevada gaming economy, it would provide many well-paying construction jobs. LA to LAS in 2.5 hrs or less would be very attractive to many people.


golden ticket member
Ever been to SoCal? The corridor from LA to Las Vegas is always busy. A bullet train makes perfect sense. It would go from one extremely large population center to a major entertainment destination. Most Vegas visitors come from the LA area. Besides a boost for the Nevada gaming economy, it would provide many well-paying construction jobs. LA to LAS in 2.5 hrs or less would be very attractive to many people.

I live in SoCal and watch the train along the PCH (ocean view) speed by and don't see hardly any heads in there....and that's a very scenic trip. The first suggested speed train in the plans was in the bay area .....

Here's the route plans....

Yes, SoCal to Vegas makes more sense, but that's not what's planned. I can drive to Vegas in 4 hours....that's actually faster than flying when you consider the drive to the airport and how early you have to be there before your flight by the TSA's standards. I'd be exiting Sahara Blvd. off the I-15 just as your plane lands at McCarren.......and you'll still have to get a rental car or cab.


Strength through joy
Just what this country needs a bullet train flying along in an area that is known for earthquakes.

Try the Boston to NYC train some time, speed is down to 20mph in some areas .