The damage from the deregulation of the trucking industry coupled with the short comings of Ron Carey are what I and most every that looks at he the whole picture can see. I think Tom Nyhan is kinda a

but a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to ask him the impact Ron Carey made on all teamsters pension plans when he increased it across the board to 3000 a month all members. He said it was irresponsible unrealistic and nothing more than a campaign ploy to get reelected. This was the death blow after the cut jugular of the deregulation of the trucking industry. Ron Carey was a buffoon who gambled on your retirement to get another term in office.
Let's tell the truth if we're going to be real here.
Carey wasn't up for election in 97 when he upped it.
UPS upped the ante and he had a choice to make.
He could gamble on the membership not crossing the line to get the $1000/mo bump (after already being on the strike line for almost two weeks) or match it.
The company sunk the retirement pension fund and they knew what would happen either way we moved. Check and checkmate. Game over. Screw the "valued" workers that wouldn't cross the line.
The fund already lost about 640 million $s in the first seven months of 97. There were no easy answers.
How many long time workers on those strike lines would not jump at the extra grand per month even if Carey said we couldn't survive by matching it?
Thank the company for the selfish move that they knew would doom the union membership's retirement.
You tell me H offa wouldn't have done the same thing? Jim Kelly and Jimmy Jr were on good terms.
Please tell us what Jimmy Jr would've done because that's the issue that's conveniently omitted here when Carey's brought up in conjunction with the pension fund.