The support for H2O is so strong overwhelming across the United States and Canada

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Can we just hand H&H the election already? Why do we need to spend money on an election when FZ and crew will not even receive 1% of the vote.

It's called Democracy. I know...I's a cumbersome process, but it seems to work. And you're not alone. Actually the process was forced upon us with the Consent Decree in 1989. GP Billy M, GST Weldon M and the entire GEB fought the good fight for about 7 minutes, then realized that they had too much to lose by not just walking away. Hey...they had a good ride!

BTW...should we just hand Trump the election?


Got the T-Shirt
It's called Democracy. I's a cumbersome process, but it seems to work. Actually the process was forced upon us with the Consent Decree in 1989.

Besides Carey;

TDU has complained (about everything) every step of the way.

They can't get over the fact, they will never "field" a successful candidate.

The membership is not interested, in their negative drivel.

Watch what happens.... yet again.


Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Besides Carey;

TDU has complained (about everything) every step of the way.

They can't get over the fact, they will never "field" a successful candidate.

The membership is not interested, in their negative drivel.

Watch what happens.... yet again.

I don't doubt that it will happen...yet again, but I still respect the inherent right of the membership vote. You've certainly been around long enough to have seen what Billy M, Jackie P, Fitz and Roy W did for our Union. No thanks! I'll take a little bit of grandstanding by Ken P every 5 years over those heirs to the throne any day!


My Senior Picture
Besides Carey;

TDU has complained (about everything) every step of the way.

They can't get over the fact, they will never "field" a successful candidate.

The membership is not interested, in their negative drivel.

Watch what happens.... yet again.

Yet somehow TDU persists into their 5th decade???

I guess the membership appreciates a choice in their flavor of "snake oil"???



My Senior Picture
It's the "PT Barnum" syndrome.
"There is a sucker born, every minute."
Just say'n....
More like "cause and effect".

I have no idea if it's so.....

.....but I'll bet you some of that PlayPal Monopoly money of yours, that TDU has more members today, than anytime in their history.


10 point

Well-Known Member

This is why outside groups get traction.
Google this. I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised.
Just say'n...

10 point

Well-Known Member
Are the TDU numbers up or down this year?
Up from what?
Last year; the year before; or 2013?
Or from 1997?

If the IRB indictments and OLMS convictions are up from 2013 I'd say the numbers are up.
Click on the link in Bubblehead's last post above and make your own assessment.


Got the T-Shirt
I'll bet you some of that PlayPal Monopoly money of yours, that TDU has more members today, than anytime in their history.

I am willing to wager, all I have.


They don't have more members....

But, more "sympathizers".

(refer back to PT Barnum)

There's more than just "one" born.
Read the back of the Teamster magazine.

That's the only part of the magazine that I read before I toss it in to the recycling bin.

Checking up on your friends ?

There is no disputing, the overwhelming majority come from New York. :biggrin:



My Senior Picture
You mean barely holds their head above water.
Like Central States and numerous other Teamster pension funds???

I actually have no idea what type of financial position TDU is in?
Apparently it is a "deep dark secret" that keeps many IBT officials awake at night.
Either way, for me, no worries.
I sleep great.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Up from what?
Last year; the year before; or 2013?
Or from 1997?

If the IRB indictments and OLMS convictions are up from 2013 I'd say the numbers are up.
Click on the link in Bubblehead's last post above and make your own assessment.
So the IRB is TDU?


Well-Known Member
Yet somehow TDU persists into their 5th decade???

I guess the membership appreciates a choice in their flavor of "snake oil"???

Just because they have fools that give them money that doesn't mean it's good organization.....if that's your logic what's your opinion of the kkk they've been around for 15 decades