Media Lied About Racist Attacks On Black Reps While They Ignored Vulgar Attacks By Lib Politicians
Tuesday, March 23, 2010, 11:23 PM
Jim Hoft
Unfortunately, it was a fake. They had no evidence… Nothing. It was totally made up.
There were
several cameras filming the democratic representatives as they walked to the Rayburn Office Building. And, the representatives had at least two cameras filming the entire event. (It was almost as if they were expecting something to happen?)
A black woman with the tea party crowd filmed the event.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) filmed the entire episode.He found nothing.
Brent Bozell from the
Media Research Center released this statement following the latest leftist media antics.
“What an exercise in hypocrisy. Some of you in the left-wing so-called ‘news’ media have actively participated in insulting conservatives with vulgar ‘tea bagging’ jokes. You’ve done it on live national television, snickering at your own snarky gay sense of humor. And if you haven’t done that, you have been a coward, doing nothing to condemn your colleagues for their disgusting behavior.
“Don’t you dare give us any more lectures on civility. You hypocrites disgust me.”