Theft by management


Well-Known Member

I have read your posts over time with an open mind. However, this post has done it for me.

I was a management person for over 26 years at UPS. I can assure you management dishonesty is smaller in proportion to hourly employees. And yes, the ratio to management is smaller, however, hourly terminations, based on a fequency is higher. A frequency is based on how many hourly, to how many dishonest, divide the dishonest into the hourly, there you have it.

How dare you slam Tieguy with your arrogant attitude? You have no idea how the business is run by management. We are trained in what we do, we know what we're doing and we earn our living just like you.


Well-Known Member
I have seen my fair share of UPS management get the boot from UPS along with our union drivers, sorters ect ect. From a numbers perspective using ratios, I dont think you are correct. In one center in the Melville building a few years back, they fired 2 on cars and a bunch of preload suits at one time.
I think it is pathetic either way dont get me wrong, but here in NY, we see it all.


Well-Known Member
I have seen my fair share of UPS management get the boot from UPS along with our union drivers, sorters ect ect. From a numbers perspective using ratios, I dont think you are correct. In one center in the Melville building a few years back, they fired 2 on cars and a bunch of preload suits at one time.
I think it is pathetic either way dont get me wrong, but here in NY, we see it all.

I make my statement on District, Region and Corporate numbers that I have seen. Overall, hourly dishonesty has been higher than management. Based on frequency.

It is a sad state of affairs to terminate our management people who UPS counts on to set the example for all UPS employees.


Retired 23 years
All I know is that in my "30 year career" I had 2 different management people tell me they were going to "have my job" . One was a center manager and one was a district manager. In they end I imagine they wish they did have my job because they were both fired for fudging numbers.


malfeasance \mal-FEE-zuhn(t)s\, noun:
Wrongdoing, misconduct, or misbehavior, especially by a public official,or center manager.
Good word Dave...


Staff member
"How do we know those numbers are not fudged either?"

Probably fudged by the same people who fudge the ERI results...

The same people who say PAS is a great success....

The same people who said stock would reach $100 in our 100th year...



I have read your posts over time with an open mind. However, this post has done it for me.

I was a management person for over 26 years at UPS. I can assure you management dishonesty is smaller in proportion to hourly employees. And yes, the ratio to management is smaller, however, hourly terminations, based on a fequency is higher. A frequency is based on how many hourly, to how many dishonest, divide the dishonest into the hourly, there you have it.

How dare you slam Tieguy with your arrogant attitude? You have no idea how the business is run by management. We are trained in what we do, we know what we're doing and we earn our living just like you.
most of my comments are exclusively for TIEGUY. Management like him we could all do without. You know the type, knows passage and verse of the UPS bible but lack the substance(guts) to speak up in those endless meetings where you all spend your "BUSY" day. If you're offended for him thats a shame my intent was to get his reaction not yours. His opinions are my target. Thats why I DARE! Don't you think all management should put on browns and hit the field more often than at peak? Maybe they could see first hand how their educated mandates affect everyone in reality. I think that you all should questions your worth to this company, mine is measured in stops per hour or how long it takes me to pull 10 trailers in a day. Theft by management indeed!


most of my comments are exclusively for TIEGUY. Management like him we could all do without. You know the type, knows passage and verse of the UPS bible but lack the substance(guts) to speak up in those endless meetings where you all spend your "BUSY" day.

Interesting. Could you be so kind as to point out where my posts all speak from the UPS bible. In fact I could probably point out quite a few that definitely never came from any corporate "bible". Lord knows my detractors here have had no problem pointing them out. Here we are again discussing management integrity. Here you are now all PO against me. Why ? Because I pointed out to you another side to the principles of integrity. I tried to lead a discussion on how the principles of integrity applied to the california meal lawsuit.I pointed out that the flaw with Californias class action lawsuit is that you can collect an award without ever being harmed and without every having to submit a claim for damages. The process is basically victimless litigation. I pointed out that its possible you were not hurt by the issue and that you had the option of taking your name of the list. You chose not to. I then asked you how you justified taking that money within your own personal belief in integrity. You dodged the question and now try to accuse me of being a corporate bible thumper. Give me a break. Grow up.


Tie,if anything you are a nice change from the corporate ups bible thumper.I think you have a lot of guts to come in here
and speak your mind.You have never shown any disrespect to the company and wouldn`t be surprised if they know who you are.I`ve been around awhile and its the same for me except I`m just an hourly.Hell I wouldn`t be surprized if they knew who I was...but I always tell the truth,and theres a lot of opinionated people in here that feel they have to hate management because they get abused .You take all that crap
and stay strong and I respect you for it.


[. I tried to lead a discussion on how the principles of integrity applied to the california meal lawsuit.I pointed out that the flaw with Californias class action lawsuit is that you can collect an award without ever being harmed and without every having to submit a claim for damages. The process is basically victimless litigation. I pointed out that its possible you were not hurt by the issue and that you had the option of taking your name of the list. You chose not to. I then asked you how you justified taking that money within your own personal belief in integrity. You dodged the question and now try to accuse me of being a corporate bible thumper. Give me a break. Grow up. [/quote]
You can't lead a discussion on anything of real substance because you operate out of complete and total company bias while the folks who are affected by your obtuse leadership are trying make you cognizant of your deficient conjecture. I didn't dodge any questions about intergrity. I have it and so do 99% of these hard working folks who will recieve that payout. Your opinion is your opinion but when you challenge the character of thousands of employees without dispassionate thought dont expect the ones whom you offeded to be silent. I read your post on the pension announcement and you seem to have little empathy for other management types or any other employee who has had to transfer because of UPS. Your view is always pro company. Why is that? Being a corporate yes man and butt kisser is one thing but using your tounge in the process is another. (Theft by management) I again question what you bring to the table other than a set of lips.


You can't lead a discussion on anything of real substance because you operate out of complete and total company bias while the folks who are affected by your obtuse leadership are trying make you cognizant of your deficient conjecture.

Actually they have made the point and in some cases complained that I don't sound more like a company spokes person. You're losing this one pretty bad david

I didn't dodge any questions about intergrity. I have it and so do 99% of these hard working folks who will recieve that payout.

Then perhaps you would like to take the challenge? How many meals were you denied in feeders? Hmmmmm? How many did you grieve and lose on? When did you file a statement of damages claiming you were victimized and appealing to join this lawsuit? You can't win this argument because the point was made that you don't have to prove you were ever victimized. Thats the problem with the class action lawsuits in california.

Your opinion is your opinion but when you challenge the character of thousands of employees without dispassionate thought dont expect the ones whom you offeded to be silent.

Ah I see you now want me to ignore my own principles and beliefs and look the other way while you take money you did not earn?

I read your post on the pension announcement and you seem to have little empathy for other management types or any other employee who has had to transfer because of UPS.

I believe I asked questions to better understand other posters positions and I don't believe cheryl requires I ask them with empathy. If there is an empathy rule I am not aware of then I hope one of the moderators will alert me to it.

Your view is always pro company. Why is that? Being a corporate yes man and butt kisser is one thing but using your tounge in the process is another. (Theft by management) I again question what you bring to the table other than a set of lips.

wow looks like David has an oral fixation. dave its real simple. You're pissed because you will be taking money you don't deserve and i am the one that had the integrity to point it out. Applying the principles of integrity will not always win me friends but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Tie,if anything you are a nice change from the corporate ups bible thumper.I think you have a lot of guts to come in here
and speak your mind.You have never shown any disrespect to the company and wouldn`t be surprised if they know who you are.I`ve been around awhile and its the same for me except I`m just an hourly.Hell I wouldn`t be surprized if they knew who I was...but I always tell the truth,and theres a lot of opinionated people in here that feel they have to hate management because they get abused .You take all that crap
and stay strong and I respect you for it.
.....if we could just get the fine folks in the Ivory Towers to respect him as much as we do he'd be on the corporate jet in no time on his way to his rightful place in the corporate world. :lol: :lol: :lol:


wow looks like David has an oral fixation. dave its real simple. You're pissed because you will be taking money you don't deserve and i am the one that had the integrity to point it out. Applying the principles of integrity will not always win me friends but it is what it is.
You are laughable and without repair you go on and belive in your superior character I will stand with the men and women who acutally do the work that you try and take credit for. You don't know how you would react to a sum of money offered to you because it wasn't. Your assumtion that your so called principles would have you not accept the money is a presuposition and ridiculous. In my years at UPS I have never filed a grievance and in the case having been denied my meal break periods, I took the days of urinating in bottles and running like a mad man to make service in stride. I don't feel this money will compensate me for all the annoyances or unnesessary discomfort and stress brought on bye highly trained overpaid shortsighted Tieguys of UPS. The money was put out there by UPS knowing that they couldn't win on the merits of their defense. By accepting this money that was offered UPS asked us to cede any future claim involving that short time period. A time in which countless Tieguys in california changed time cards and pushed workers to hold their urine, eat their meals after their pick ups and change thier home life all for the sake of thier numbers game. You ask how was I harmed? How do you quantifiy that ? Apparently UPS and these laywers have and they agree that it's cheaper than coming clean with all the shenanigan's Tieguys committed during this time period. I can tell you now that things are much better for the CA package driver at least in my building. 90% of routes have no incentive but the driver understands that they must take thier breaks no matter what Tieguys say. So because we accept this money we are without integrity? I ask you again what do you do to earn you pay besides ass kissing? Ah yes I have an oral fixation right.. in your job description it's mandatory,6_1_NA24_EMBEZZLE_S1.article
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.....if we could just get the fine folks in the Ivory Towers to respect him as much as we do he'd be on the corporate jet in no time on his way to his rightful place in the corporate world. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm at a point where you almost have me convinced that you are a dumb truck driver. as such I don't expect anymore from you then some cheap shot drive by. thanks for once again fullfilling my expectations of you.


Well-Known Member
Dave does have a valid point about running around like a mad man with the pedal to the metal all day long. For Gods sake, these guys piss in bottles to save time in the day to service the customers. They sacrifice eating dinner every night with their families to service the customers. They take orders from a center manager that never even delivered a paper in his life. When the guys retire, they have bad joints from all the wear and tear getting out of the truck every day. The company profits billions yet they cry poverty every contract. Something isnt right.


Dave does have a valid point about running around like a mad man with the pedal to the metal all day long. For Gods sake, these guys piss in bottles to save time in the day to service the customers. They sacrifice eating dinner every night with their families to service the customers. They take orders from a center manager that never even delivered a paper in his life. When the guys retire, they have bad joints from all the wear and tear getting out of the truck every day. The company profits billions yet they cry poverty every contract. Something isnt right.

some might argue they are already compensated with the best pay and beni's in the industry.


Well-Known Member
some might argue they are already compensated with the best pay and beni's in the industry.

Tie, not trying to be a horse's ass, but do you think we drivers are overpaid? If so, what do you think would be a "fair" wage for us to make? Also, what extra would we have to do to get your approval or maybe a better word would be appreciation.
Like I said, I'm not trying to start a fight, just interested in your opinion on said questions.


Retired 23 years
once had a center manager tell me at contract time that he hoped we got a BIG raise because his salary would be adjusted accordingly.