Hope it was insured…..
Would’ve left it at bottom of stairs. Anything over 70 we’re told to push it out of the truck and leave it in the driveway or bottom of stairs or wherever, not getting injured is more important than any package.One step at a time. Talk about a workout. Got back to the truck, oops, package car (even though the license plate says truck?) and thought, how theis this allowed. Today saw a option in the Diad under package issue I think labeled “over 130” send that
to freight.
What’s your favorite rookie mistake?
Lmao, you know it’s our fault for thatI’ve seen worse
I always hated this policy. If you seriously need to call for help for a 80lb pkg, your fellow “union member” does not want to break route to help your Nancy-Ass with a bow flex. Man upYour big mistake, not establishing a pattern of requiring a union member to help you with ALL over 70s. Start now.
sometimes but that's a good way to hurt your backHand cart, pulling one step at a time
Learned that the hard waysometimes but that's a good way to hurt your back
The big question is why do people heat hot water.Why do people do this?
What were the shipping costs for something like this?
Could've had a friend with a truck go to the local hardware store and got it home the same day.
Economically helping.
Also the one with two people carrying itPretty bad when there’s a picture of a forklift on the box ….SMH
I have a couple businesses on my route that get EAM deliveries about once or twice every couple weeks. I know this, because the EAM packages are always still sitting at their delivery locations, unopened, when I come through to deliver their ground packages in the early afternoon. I asked one of the guys about it, once. He said "Shoot, it ain't my money..."I ask myself the same thing...boxes of kitty litter Next Day Air, wtf!? Copy paper EAM, for Effs sake.
Now I've heard that water heaters have glass linings and if they're rough handled they become worthless.135 lb 40 gallon hot water heater yesterday. Box was beat to hell. Incredible. Left in driveway, was able to get it relatively close to a door without much effort.
You're right. I'd call the fire departmentYou guys need to eat your spinach. I'm not a big dude and I can deadlift 240 lbs before I start to struggle. If that was your wife or your kid and you needed to drag their unconscious body out of a house fire you wouldn't call your sup about "muh over 70".
You guys need to eat your spinach. I'm not a big dude and I can deadlift 240 lbs before I start to struggle. If that was your wife or your kid and you needed to drag their unconscious body out of a house fire you wouldn't call your sup about "muh over 70".
You guys need to eat your spinach. I'm not a big dude and I can deadlift 240 lbs before I start to struggle. If that was your wife or your kid and you needed to drag their unconscious body out of a house fire you wouldn't call your sup about "muh over 70".
Ahhh, which wifey? Only 115 pounds, but asking for a friend with the occasional back strain.You guys need to eat your spinach. I'm not a big dude and I can deadlift 240 lbs before I start to struggle. If that was your wife or your kid and you needed to drag their unconscious body out of a house fire you wouldn't call your sup about "muh over 70".