Probably needed the extra 70% to pay you useless teamsters who make 100,000 to drive a truck and know on a door, cause you’ll cry and threaten strike if you don’t get what you want. Bunch of overpaid ungrateful $&?&. Get real jobs
I am not a teamster I am a IAM automotive shop and I don’t want to see my teamster brother and sisters take all the blame for the low MIP. Maybe it’s the extra money going into our annuity, I think it’s like 5 bucks per hour I work now going up each year and compounding interest. That’s on top of our pension and our free healthcare and our 38.23 per hour.
Maybe it’s all the shiny new package cars? Someone has to pay for them.... Anyway, that reminds me I think I am going to submit another VEM for disposal tonight. I plan on my fleet being international free by the end of 2020.