This is why you don't let the Old Guard run your local


Well-Known Member
I'm not in your local either, but taking a peek at your LM2's, I'd offer the advice that you get off the internet and start looking for solutions to your fiscal woes before you get trusteed...

Go look up the words solvent, book value and read the last paragraph of the report. The local also cut staffing to the tune of 198k so thanks for your advice but I actually talk to the local instead of blindly talking :censored2: on the internet. But I'm sure you got all your facts before you comment right?

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Isn't that Minnesota local the one where a father and son were in office and the owned a bar and somehow funneled money from the local to it. There might have been some gambling going on also?
Yes. That that had been going on for years. But Hoffa didn't go after them until they "betrayed" him. Zuckerman was clean so he couldn't do anything there.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Terrible analogy and shows you don't get the full scope of how to read the LM-2. The funny thing is I told you guys how but you still harp on one line of the whole report. Did your education go past the elementary level? This is about a company or business being solvent. They are in no risk of Bankruptcy but you will obviously grasp on to any propaganda you can.

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)
This local has been borrowing money/living off loans/credit cards the past two years. In the previous years, they had been using money from their own bank account. Now they are borrowing money. For example your principal officer has put leans on the members local. And who's paying that lean? You better bet the members are.


Well-Known Member
This local has been borrowing money/living off loans/credit cards the past two years. In the previous years, they had been using money from their own bank account. Now they are borrowing money. For example your principal officer has put leans on the members local. And who's paying that lean? You better bet the members are.

I will tell you what, if the local ever goes into bankruptcy or you find Sasquatch or you saddle a unicorn give me a call on the big news. But honestly your just running down the rabbit hole with this one. Have a great day.

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
In 2010 Local 952 had a lean of under $300,000. Today the lean is worth over $700,000. If the government can do it, so can P. Kelly.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
The Slawson's had been doing this for years. But they were protected until they jumped ship on Hoffa for Gegare. After the 2011 election, Hoffa went after their filthy azzes. If P. Kelly at Local 952 jumps ship on Hoffa in 2016 for Zuckerman, you better bet Hoffa would go after him next.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I will tell you what, if the local ever goes into bankruptcy or you find Sasquatch or you saddle a unicorn give me a call on the big news. But honestly your just running down the rabbit hole with this one. Have a great day.

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)
It will be put in trusteeship first, before that ever happens.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Go look up the words solvent, book value and read the last paragraph of the report. The local also cut staffing to the tune of 198k so thanks for your advice but I actually talk to the local instead of blindly talking :censored2: on the internet. But I'm sure you got all your facts before you comment right?

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)

Just how long do you think our local will remain solvent.

We have an over-spending problem that I have been talking about for 5 years.

When you over-spend things happen.

First, you starting losing the balance of your cash. Our local had over 2 million in cash when Ed M. ran our local. Now we are about $150,000.00 in the bank.

Second, you start taking out loans to cover for you over-spending. We have almost $700,000.00 in loans.

Third, you start selling off assets to pay your bills.

Forth, if not corrected by now will either be bankruptcy or trusteeship.

I've been saying this for 5 years, handing out flyers to members of our local. We can not say we haven't been warned. We have only ourselves to blame if we get trusteed.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Trusteeship would be ok as long as you're not merged into any of the neighboring locals. You know how disastrous it would be to get absorbed by a thug infested local like 63?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Trusteeship would be ok as long as you're not merged into any of the neighboring locals. You know how disastrous it would be to get absorbed by a thug infested local like 63?
I am betting we will get merged. Unless we can get the local to cut back on spending so much.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Stink, this the NET ASSETS of my Old Guard local 952 for the last 6 years. Tell me it is not on the way to bankruptcy.

2008 $768,159.00
2009 $570,037.00
2010 $197,900.00
2011 $165,714.00
2012 -$17,643.00
2013 -$221,664.00

Show me an TDU local with worse numbers over 6 years. I dare you.


Well-Known Member
Let me spell it for you E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N-S not campaigns. Your not even in my local ?!?!?! I love how you act like you know something. Now please just let it go and stop giving me your lame scenarios about 2 slates.... Your reformers lost TWICE! Get it? I'm sure in three years you will talk some poor suckers into doing it all over again. Maybe you should worry about you crew at 396 running against Ron H tuff stuff. Because around here you just look foolish.

Reading your posts is alot like listening to sesame street.
Its really nice to see your childish side appear while you choose to come across as a Local representative in an online forum, where not even your EO's participate.
Are you the ONLY 952 self appointed official speaking on behalf of 952?

Elections can be swayed to achieve your desired result.
How much did your elected officials depend upon the uninformed to vote to continue the same direction?
There are 2 buildings under 952's watch, correct?
How did either building vote?
Running down the supporters, without informing them of the current state of your local, would seem to present misinformation to continue the same rule of your local.
For those who voted to continue with the current staff, are they aware of the financial state of your local? Prior to voting for your agenda?

Its one thing to re-elect the prior leading officers, its quite another to re-elect those same people to continue to produce the argument realbrown1 presents with the beginning post regarding your local's financial health.

It would be really nice to hear that all the energy that you spend here defending those above you should be directly placed towards your local's health and lasting success.

Until that happens, .........
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Well-Known Member
Oh look another bitter reformer that's not from my local. Man you guys really are pissed PK won again... Well sorry bro but if your not from 952 or talk to me in real life about the finances then I'm not interested in your opinion. Have a great day.

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Oh look another reformer that's not from my local. Sorry bro but if your not from 952 or talk to me in real life about the finances then I'm not interested in your opinion.

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)

But you give yours out freely over on the local 804 drivers walked out thread.

I smell a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Really? Come show up to a meeting for once. We all know you won't because you hide behind a computer. Difference between you and I is that I will say these things to your face while you cowards just try to spew propaganda. If your so sure of yourself come meet me at the next general membership meeting and we can ask the E board together about finances. Show everyone your for real..... Or are you all talk hypocrite?

"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Really? Come show up to a meeting for once. We all know you won't because you hide behind a computer. Difference between you and I is that I will say these things to your face while you cowards just try to spew propaganda. If your so sure of yourself come meet me at the next general membership meeting and we can ask the E board together about finances. Show everyone your for real..... Or are you all talk hypocrite?

I've been to meetings. Been there, done that. Tired of no information given out that effects me and the "stay out of wal-mart" mantra that they give. What a waste of time.

I do go to all the contract meetings and other necessary meetings. But I don't have to go to the regular meetings, so I don't. And for the record, I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO THE MEETINGS. I am not going to discuss it at the meetings with the E-BOARD. They won't listen. That is why I have been fighting against them for the last 5 years. To save our local. I guarantee you that we don't have 5 more years to save our local. We have less than 3 years if things continue on this OVER-SPENDING path.

What is hypocritical about what I am saying. I have said it to the BA's and about everyone else who will listen. I've been at both of our buildings numerous times handing out flyers telling the UPS members about the over-spending. And over 3 years ago, on the campaign trail, I handed out flyers and told people from other barns (not just UPS) about our financial shape of our local. But with net assets at the time being reported at over $500,000.00 (down from 2 million a few years earlier) most people didn't listen or believe we had a problem.

Now, most people are in shock when they find out. I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago, and did what I could to stop it.

What have you done to fix our over-spending problem? Nothing.