how was it altered?
Kenya scribbled out, USA penciled in.
how was it altered?
wow did he really?
how was it altered?
Here's his birth certificate.
A federal judge already gunned down all this nonsense about him not being a citizen. The story won't go away for the same reason any other conspiracy theory won't go away, because some people make an emotional investment in it being true.
All these things have fueled rampant speculation in a time when the voters should be focused on the failed B. Hussein policies.
In his last three days, McCain has had to say that "this economy is in a ditch"....not good when you belong to the same party that ran it into that ditch.
I remember McCain was thinking about becoming a Dim. Did he actually make it official now? Oh and one more thing the attorney that brought the suit was an official Dim and a Hillary supporter.
And my response to this would be.....SO WHAT?
Well I am sure you can agree that the Dims destroyed the economy in a mere two years right? I think you are confusing me with lieguy. I started a thread for lieguy to legitimize his claims that the DEMS destroyed the economy in 2 years and he could'nt nor could anyone else who tried.
You even started one of you many threads on this very topic. No I havent. thanks but no thanks.
I know you have started so many it is hard for you to keep up. Last I checked McCain was still a repub and my question was are you saying he switched again? Not sure where you get this from. My opinion about McCain is simple. He's unqualified, TOO OLD, unable to finish a sentence properly, cant hold a thought longer than 6 secs and demonstrated poor judgement when he selected SARAH PALIN as a running mate.
The top conservative talking heads are saying this today.
No I havent. thanks but no thanks
You must've let someone else use your screen name.
I do not normally read your partisan junk but the title clearly says liberals destroyed the economy in two years. Thread created by the other side.
Dude, while I dont want to attack anyone, ...
This ruling was from last Friday, back in August he had refused to grant Berg a temporary restraining order, but he has also refused to dismiss the case as requested by the Obama campaign. It's the nature of a conspiracy theory that it's generally pointless to try and stamp it out because pretty much anything is "fuel to the fire". Any evidence that seems to contradict the conspiracy is simply regarded as evidence of a further conspiracy.Is this a new ruling or is it the same one that said Berg did not have standing to bring the suit? All that did was add fuel to the conspiracy fire.
And my response to this would be.....SO WHAT?
It is missing the official seal. Without the seal its just another piece of paper.
You guys hear about his beloved aunt living in government subsidized housing on an expired visa?
wish the democrats had done their job so we would not have all these unsettled issues with O.
2 points on this.
A new president will be elected and life can move on. Except for you guys looking under rocks.
I have resisted saying this but it has come to the point I must. Only a maroon would think that character is not important in a President, The questions of people (both Dem and Rep) delve into the character of Obama. Questions that he has either side-stepped or flat out lied about. Then when pinned down, he merely says, this isn't important to the American public, insert favorite topic is what's important. Well, I am an American and his character is indeed important to me. Do I expect him or anyother candidate to a perfect little angel? No, everyone has things in their lives they don't want in public view, but the experience, influences, and character are all part of the qualifying package for me. And for my own mind, Obama just has too many minuses and unanswered. If you are happy with that then good for you. These are indeed viable campaign issues. I'm not sure how they effect McCain qualifications though. Oh yeah, I have learned many things in the last three weeks. The biggest thing I have learned is that BHO is more sleezy than I originally thought and is socialist at heart.2 points on this.
First, the woman in question is the "half-sister" of his father. Hardly a blood line connection. But to a republican looking to start trouble, I guess they could call it whatever "they" want.
Obama has no responsibility for this woman. A distant connection hardly makes a value or beloved. Obama has no obligation to do anything for this woman. No exageration makes this a viable campaign issue.
Second, how does this "non-Issue" make McCain qualified to be president?
Have'nt you all learned anything in these last three weeks??
This kind of nonsense is not RESONATING with the voters other than those already predispositioned to vote for McCain simply because he is republican.
2 days to go.
A new president will be elected and life can move on. Except for you guys looking under rocks.