@Thebrownblob needs bannedIt's simply ridiculous
Again and again!@Thebrownblob needs banned
Hey Eff Off@Thebrownblob needs banned
That’s not likelyWorse than @Thebrownblob
Nope, holds record!Worse than @Thebrownblob
Pick on blob day?Nope, holds record!
Pick on blob day?
So many issues.blob can't count
Time for beerblob can't count
Are you serious?Pick on blob day?
Yes I amAre you serious?
Oops three wordsPick on blob day?
Jfc, you're kidding....Pick on blob day?
No I’m notJfc, you're kidding....
We are judgingNo I’m gay
I’m on vacationWe are judging
Don’t be jellyWhoop