Throwing Fedex equipment


Well-Known Member
Had a coworker punt a powerpad across the belt because it kept locking up, in front of a manager. Manager looked like he wanted to do something but ended up turning the other way. I couldn't believe it.

Courier just said, "if they want me to do my job, give me equipment that actually works."

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What would be the normal punishment for throwing a printer on the ground at the station.
I imagine it would depend on how good of an employee you are. If you suck and they want to fire you anyway, buh bye. If you're otherwise excellent, a warning letter or stern talking to.


Well-Known Member
We need more information here... Probably depends on context;
A: tossing it into truck.. probably nothing.
B: tossing it to a coworker(who needs it)
C: tossing it AT a coworker who really needs it
D: throwing it down in anger <-could be considered an act of aggression

BTW be careful with any "ACT" that can be considered an "act of aggression"
I've seen a few folks battle for their jobs(some won, most lost) when a co-worker
decided they "felt threatened"